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Lukaschik Gleb

Dracula by Bram Stoker.

Why can’t citizens of a small town tell things as are instead warn, mumble and cross an arrived foreigner? I consider it as hardly to believe that everybody has a shyness. I don’t remember that this dramatizing step could properly use. Certainly, a personage doesn’t change his intention and uses a carriage for destination. He describes German of his driver worst then his. Then I read on parallel page that the driver speaks excellent German. This meticulously detailed describing of weather had thundering in clean cloud after that was a snow began to fall. Bram Stoker forgets on what was before in his dead on arrival aspirations to horrify. The driver doesn’t want to stop due to danger of dogs then he makes halting somewhere in forest and disappears from view while a protagonist hears howling, which is coming closer. Then they move and howling doesn’t sound anymore, but effective immediately horses took a hectic behavior and then wolves stay on a road with frightening looks. This story presents as a letter to fiancé, but it reads as a pulp material for a book publisher with obsessive describing of details and using of dialogs as meeting with a hotel owner a main hero calls own name what was unsuccessfully made as introduction for readers (however, Stoker’s writing is very crafty.). Such stylistic of letter can explain by that a main hero is a novelist who can’t write in other way. No, it is not as I found later. All of these oddities was in the first chapter in process of reading of it I decided to look into summary in which I knew – a soap opera story having a powerlessness of the author in making death scenes and Dracula acts, which are preposterous respectively to this the lowest point of melodrama. This book is purely identical to Frankenstein by an excellent but dropped dead idea.

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