Somehow and with all feel joyfully, I come to speaking about my shooting experience. Finally!
There was love in alongside with interest to weapons. But there was no opportunity. Circumstances brought me to using of commie hunting gun Izh-27 more than once which I once used for shooting of orange plates where revealed that I have potential of a great shooter because I can sense, some model of other such weapon Ata Arms with installed scope and I used AK-74 three times on which can say only “perfect” in all parameters of shooting and compactness though that weapon has been surpassed in pointing present.
Today, in a snowy day, I’ve got opportunity to extend my experience. I hadn’t wide choice for shooting in that place of shooting which contained filthy people and I let them to know this fact. Anyway, two exemplars were only worthy attraction: PM and Mosin-Nagant to each of both I took five bullets.
PM or infamously known Makarov Pistol. I knew it in theory and who read one my novella will find that describing will have same sense though I will give more detail. That gun still wasn’t substituted and carries on to be in service of Muscovy police, it’s army for two cents and same that with states which used to be the parts of the Soviet empire as well as in countries such North Korea and Cuba. My hand whined as expected after shooting five bullets. I took Makarov for curiosity and make theory an axiom. No recoil but that’s my strong hand and all right in holding with both limps (I forgot to do with only one though intended, but I have got a completed understanding.). It’s unpredictable to where slug will fly. Logically, that is not for far distance but this can understand by glance on picture of PM. I hit one of five times but it was also due to I don’t practice frequently and I need to be tender and slowly push on trigger. And I needed time to adapt to exterior shots which were nearby of me. Every time I come with dislike to hear shoot and end that all right with them (and I leave place with grandiose excitement without knowing by what.). I needed to think what relaxes me. I imaged Stunning Italian Lady and I hit target. I heard sound of gong. Whole magazine is intended for eight bullets what is a little quantity. I held weapon which was made somewhere in nineties – nonsense but it’s normality for Muscovy.
I took Mosin-Nagant with quantity of bullets which for one standard magazine. This rifle was invented in 1891 (when Alexander III held sit on throne.) and manufactured for decades. Muscovy communists ceased it after World War II. But Finland continued to produce them until 1973. Such weapon lost effectiveness since introduction of assault rifle. However, this arm still in service of Muscovy and it uses in their invasion of Ukraine due to poverty with guns causing by far lousy economy.
I held gun of the year 1927. I was asking a doubt on that wood was substituted but, maybe, it was lacquered. But that hadn’t matter. One inconvenient element was that I couldn’t touch a point of comfort for shoulder on buttstock what took time for detect what close to that. I though on wearing off coat but it would fix situation, of course. I had the longest target on that fire range which was in hundred meters. I made two of five hits. I still emerged in my mind of image of Stunning Italian Lady but I didn’t relax enough. I needed practice also. While Mosin-Nagant is wonderful thing until coming of assault rifles. Balanced in shooting and no recoil. The biggest excitement was in reloading but it’s leverage on side can stuck (I had it one time.) and ideal of reloading system in such guns was by Henry rifle which was released in 1860.