I decided to have several days in Italy for crossing out places which were in my list for eventually leave what almost all can be possible to reach only on wheels. I always execute said as I told to myself to never take train in Italy but I changed four of them (all of them were fast.) for reach La Spezia because a plane from Vilnius had one direct and fast in time flight which was to Treviso. I did research and discovered, it isn’t comfortable to flight in Europe from any airport of Baltic states. No one-way movements to famous cities. That made me to commit an exclusion for trains (which became a last one.). There I didn’t see a usual abysmal and that was with mine perception of that many Italians are not civilized or simply saying savages. Same but more worst and absolute wilderness I have toward to Balts to whom I’ll do pleasure to myself and I’ll stop to visit them from beginning of the next year. Burden of white man to educate mostly same skin people isn’t for me. I am not a mentor type of man. Taking look to Balts. They have the Soviet mentality with no matter if that person never lived in that collapsed empire. They are naïve if you talk with them and they don’t know and don’t understand a simple by their tribal mind which is that you can’t use a close form of addressing, which has a Muscovian language, in relating to an unknown person – a similar thing does people from the East. Balts are no different to Muscovians. Anyway, all of them resent on me in the end. That’s my another wish to myself before Christmas – to not meet Muscovian people by origin and mind anymore.
Rainy days in wintertime was meeting me. I more desperately became longing and wishing of White Christmas lately. I noted for myself to move to places in which snow goes. Because festivity can’t be without that. Incredible in North Dakota’s Bismarck now. Neighboring South Dakota and Minnesota have a right weather. I was in Italy which modern music in surrounding of primitive pop. You hear in every venue you visit or crosses in ways. Italians love these melodies where for me a very rare likeable can hear in the land from where Verdi, Vivaldi and Paganini.
I began to see from the first hours a lot of Italian young girls with a big round glasses what I didn’t detect before. Once I saw four of them were moving in wagon. I started to look for an explanation but nothing in describing of this phenomenon. I can assume. And my thinking toward to that it was about smartphone which screen is extremely bright (I don’t know how people can look to there constantly because I can’t stand a few seconds.) and many ladies are absolutely in it by sending messages.
I was in La Spezia, outside and slightly far away. Doria Castle was sight which made list. I reached that depth of Italy by bus and had revealing from a woman sold tickets and who knew needful English words which were “in weekends”. I could discover a delight by moving to piers for look around on fogged mountains though I wasn’t amazed by them and spread of houses didn’t make look prettier. I’ve got view there after which intention to visit of Doria Castle turned out as senseless. I didn’t see historical desire in it. I knew then, a window into sea willn’t attract me – a thing which increased point for come. I did zooming of image later and it corroborated.
Castello di San Giorgio was available. I visited such places as king in searching of his kingdom. I took a full ticket which included of getting excitement from incredible archeological collection from different ancestry times which was through walking in magnetizing premises had lovable curve structures. I wasn’t enthusiastic before I entered to there.
I was moving higher for came and see a little town from the best points. La Spezia was a regular Italian provincial town which would get a little of beautiful under snow but it wouldn’t create charming by heaviness in buildings. That effect from nature in surrounding of mountains. That was another foggy day. It was usual that weather is rainy but can become hot for me. I took off coat sometimes while this temperature was cold for citizens of city.
Residential houses were nearby and inside of castle’s structure. It was disregard to history. “What are these homes doing there?” was a reasonable question but I always with my standards of civilization in wrong location.
A seagull landed on top which adorned Castello di San Giorgio. A bird wasn’t long. I wanted to check animal’s perception of human but it flew away before I reached place.
I did returning from same way which was in mutant fusion of apartments and castle where on stairway of second lied a cat reminded Knopka Sophie. I did stroke of him which creature liked. The cat was on position after I returned to moving down.
I began to see after Genoa that Liguria has of civilized. A bus can stop before you step into pedestrian crossing lines. Similar gesture can occur from drivers of cars. But region isn’t exclusion when you see a person with a bag doesn’t wear off in front of many people and can rub somebody by it. Just because Italian in it’s nature doesn’t have such thinking. Exactly, many citizens usually don’t able to have perception of creation of discomfort or sense of danger which committing by them. They have a straight look and don’t see people crossing road in riding automobile and Italians also don’t look on sides in going through “zebra”. You can see, Italians aren’t easygoing. I pressed button for calling a green light and walked nearby instead firmly stay because I didn’t like to stay without movement or somebody’s car could touch a puddle. It was always in two times that was a person thought that I’m not going to cross and even light on button is activated but that human did pushing.
It was minus zero to do in a city in which church’s bell can ring on three minutes earlier. Less than two hours for see everything. An other significant sight was a magnificent made Giuseppe Garibaldi’s statue on horse which grandiosely stays on beautifully smoothed piece of rock.
In tasting of food, I could detect a one worthy restaurant. It’s name is All’Inferno dal 1905. One polite waiter answered to me that there is no difference between gnocci and gnocchetti. But truth is that a first based on potato and a second on pasta.
I ordered tagliatelli with pesto to where added a quarter of producing there a red wine which wasn’t strong because young. Dish was divine in using. It made me to see that pesto can be used only in pasta and nowhere else as these lunatics try to do. As well, it corroborated my logical thing that white wine is for pasta and gnocci. I wanted to order a quarter of red in Genoa for self-convincing but I decided to not to do because it is obvious.
There were language difficulties. I asked to describe dish and both waitresses wanted to write down as order before I stopped every of them. A second dish, as one worker explained, was an “uncooked meat” which was a mincemeat. That reviled disaster by myself was in front of me. I was supposed to ask for substitute but I decided to eat it. Twelve euros for Emperor’s New Clothe aren’t big money for me but dish doesn’t worth them. I didn’t like by getting small modern quantities and I was being in little underground premise filled of visitors what made me sweating. I was not good in keeping drinking innocence.
Fortezza di Sarzanello by it’s unique multiangled structure was that location which I couldn’t but visit. I’m not sure but, maybe, I was a singular visitor of fortress which isn’t widely known as Castello Malaspina for comparison. There were still traces of planning refurbishment. If don’t count a ticket salesman who wasn’t welcome and I didn’t goodbye with him to his frustration and he was interested in football because sound was alike of that, I was in satisfactory loneliness. I could open the doors to rooms which for not visitors. But they weren’t worth to look into. A common stuff of builders.
I began for moving high for reveal that Sarzana is a beautiful little town. These mountains and especially white ones delivered a needful nature charm.
Bliss of fortress in witnessing of it in virgin. I crossed chain in one place but I didn’t wish to go through dirt and probably more worst. I loved to be in rooms from which drips water time by time. One place had sand, which had beautiful look by fell water.
I was in plethora of such constructions, but I’ve got excitement from walking through tiny corridors in underground where better begin to start from left even it’s against of your political preferences (and I did to own surprise.) because precisely experience can get by that direction. Even you walk through straight line in a little building but a thought on lost can appear. It’s almost ends on entering in premise with dome ceiling which creates a unique trembling sounding when you raise noise.
I walked around of building after leaving gates. I’ve thought that I would wish to live there and keep in initial conditional by keeping torches.
I did relooking of what I want to see in Italy what directed to a big ridding because these places hadn’t attraction either historical or technical or whatever beauty at all. Palazzo Ducale became renovated in modern and uglified. Contemporary windows, nowadays floors, extraneous things as curtains, chairs and exhibitions. It looks that same as communists have done with buildings. Something alike to using churches as potato warehouses. Inside of Duke of Lucca’s residence isn’t natural. It is in fake decorations. I watched on photos and I didn’t get wishful period of past. An additional factor was in exhibition devoted to hate of Donald Trump; I saw that pici from Osteria delle Catene is usual food; I shouldn’t back in Assisi for uninteresting Eremo delle Carceri and modernized Rocca Maggiore; Castel Fontana could be but no – it contains of contemporary; Castello Malaspina added of that in places. And I do not like inner yard design; Civita de Bagnoregio is unique by situating while buildings don’t present of amazing; Asti and Ascoli Piceno were those pointless and I cut them off.