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Festivity Drinks: Rive di San Pietro di Barbozza Valdobbiadene and 99 Prosecco Doc Treviso.

Lukaschik Gleb

Two bottles of Italians sparkling wines were in delivery box. I usually have one drink but circumstances ended up to using both of them. I’ve returned to working out by which I already get a lovable pain in the mornings. Fortunately, my organism didn’t calibrate back to sport mode yet.


A first was dry Rive di San Pietro di Barbozza Valdobbiadene from 2022 and with 11,5%. There is nothing in sniffing while tasting had piece of bitter and same little amount of sweet in getting together in alongside with non-characterizing the big rest. It was good in drinking.

A second had title 99 Prosecco Doc Treviso which is 11%. Smell of sparkling wine as you usually expect. It has more bitterness in tasting than previous bottle and it’s right portion for brut.

Aftertaste from two sparkling wines don’t cause anything bad – you’re happy.


Let me say a wonderful. I have no purpose to visit Lublin again. A piece of have seen castle in which was signed unification created Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in 1569 and original of document is stored in Warsaw’s archive was mission accomplished as said great George Walker Bush. But that one was really so. It was due to loss of interest to this history and I did profound research before come to these both bottles of sparkling wines.

I already can’t look on this fancy-bright colored building on which also put grey tiles in basics around what makes me to assume it was done in communist times because such approach was common usual standard back then. But no better was done in the present days. Anyway, no matter what period but inside of this construction was committed deprival of natural, putting of modern tiles on floors and inner yard as well as parquet somewhere and installation of contemporary premises and same was done with windows. I do not like signage “muzeum” above entrance.

I had striving to see Jan Matejko’s painting Union of Lublin which in castle’s gallery. Painstaking look discloses that people have radically contradicting to each other reactions and that creates mess and makes losing of genuineness in depiction of event. It is only an artist who was talented in drawing.

Welcome to the New Year!

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