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In the Circle of Seas.

Lukaschik Gleb

December 6. Vilnius, Lithuania.

MCS Fantasia. Specialty in that Sophia Loren hit a champagne in that vessel in December 2008. I as an alcohol lover can’t understand this cruel tradition even despite what I’ve done with bottles of Dom Perignon, Ruinart and Piper-Heidsieck and I believe that everything will all right in this Christmas but it’s ferocious for me. However, I wasn’t devoured by these thoughts to a ship on which I was going to have a week cruise. I needed to arrive in Marseilles in December 8.

It began in Lithuania. A good thing have done by Baltic countries was returning houses to nobility. Speaking on nationality characteristics, it can see in Vilnius. It is combination of Soviet, modern and somewhere pre-these-times (which, certainly, mostly in old town.) buildings while first are dominating as that can say on mentality of people in which can get wilderness. It’s very likely can hear swears in catching conversations if you have familiarity with Slav languages which contribute to understanding of unknown Lithuanian in this aspect. This country can’t be European in cultural and civilized meanings (though it can say about Italy.). Of course, you can meet pleasant people but you must ready to throw defiance to savageness as sometimes you must fight for crossing road. By putting outside a savage aspect, Vilnius is a desperate boring town. It’d hardly find an interesting for one day. Leaving of hotel room was the last thing I wished to do. Although I had a limited choice. I was in Vilnius before more than once. I could to pass dinner. However, I decided to make stroll to chosen restaurant situated in old town. I did searching in them and it was a difficult goal. Fortunately, I found place in Bunte Gans, a venue of German cuisine. It was against of mine usual in eating local but I hadn’t wish to look for special and if look on history, Lithuania has much part of German influence which also relates to dishes. It was a tremendous visit by getting classic German pan with pieces of lamb, potato, onion and green which was deliciously eaten with a teapot of black and then fruit teas – both of them weren’t in bags. I had an elite drink which I’ve never discovered in Western Europe.


December 7-8. Milan, Italy.


Italian stewardesses were confused by mine ordering of “carbonated” water in “o-five” in “volumes” and “liters”. One of them asked which language I’m speaking. I was on Ryanair related enterprise. I gave word that I willn’t take it again but that deal with devil which I signed on getting sticker included these planes. I could excuse myself that I was financed. That contract included some sponsorship.


I already in plane got a better mood when I saw Italy outside. It was of pleasant. I abandoned airport for taking bus. A promoter to sit his transport was alone in calling. I looked on him and he did same. We smiled to each other simultaneously. It was attracting though he wasn’t a woman. Nevertheless, commonsense must be first here. I made talk and condition was all right. Twelve euros for reach Milano Centrale nearby of it situated a sponsored hotel. I entered in the bus which moved. I was in pleasant mood.


Milan in presence, as I will reveal, is a somber town in which greyness of Turin becomes more lively. I couldn’t understand it’s consideration for a city of fashion. This town in faceless buildings was against of it. I do not make lists of best and worst but I would put Milan on a first position of Italian terrible.

A little walking to wrong direction which confusing caused a virtual map. I sensed it and did return back for see place for night had British name Bristol. There I received room’s key and map of town.


I did usual city stroll for see and disclose town instead using of metro. I began with moving to wine shop which was only for curiosity though it had bottles I wanted to acquire. Enoteca Cotti was that place and it operated since 1952. I crossed whole via Solferino. Either I didn’t see or I moved in wrong direction. I saw many other alcohol venues but neither of them was visited. There was no big desire to discover and I relocated on next direction which was Castello Sforzesco. I had slight difficulties brought me to Porta Nuovo. This beautifully-made arc helped to find on map where I situate. From there I reached park, walked nearby of closed arena and I came to my destination.


I was joyful by finding out that I can enter inside freely what was a singular goal. I did observation tour. It’s historical attractiveness of monstrous protection for it’s time had insulting disruption by many places of remade and repainted. I saw people on rooftop. I would climb up though Milan hasn’t reason to look on it from above. I wouldn’t give even cent for pass to there. A price was eight euros. That in alongside with not attracting gallery and museums. I knew ticket information from a worker who was a dark-mooded guy. I usually say “grazia” for information in the end. He said “you’re welcome” instead “prago”. That man pronounced it without welcome. Anyway, I didn’t care. I wasn’t attached to Castello Sforzesco historically as I wrote.


Gallerie d’Italia was that for what I came to Milan. Neither a first receptionist knew this museum nor a second and, as well as, that police secured perimeter and their English was so lousy and had standard in show directions. Get explanation what’s happening would require a master degree for that Italian cop whom I asked. Both receptionists pointed on Galleria Vittorio Emanuelle in which I moved because too much territory was secured. I wasn’t excited by place itself by usual lash of ego. I approached to tasteless white at whole Christmas Tree. The first receptionist said that Gallerie d’Italia is inside of Teatro alla Scala but he wasn’t precise. It’s building was perpendicular and I hadn’t way to there. Whereas famous opera house, which was Italian size building, presented La Forza del Destino by Giuseppe Verdi. Without checking of dictionary it means The Power of Destiny but I did it because I hadn’t wish giggling of Italians in my head if I would be wrong as I found out and corrected myself eventually about colors in Italian. “Rosso” is “red”, “rossi” is red in plural form whereas “rosato” is rose.

I saw protesters with Ukrainian flags on which I didn’t take big attention but I made one glance by seeing a photo of person which I didn’t know while her last name “Netrebko” I used to hear. I revealed that she has a main female starring part in opera in this day. I understood these protesters. Maybe that I didn’t put money in treasure of Italy was to the right when I wanted to visit Gallerie d’Italia. This opera has funny cast because it’s political correct what doesn’t surprise by seeing this in other places. La Forza del Destino had live broadcasting on main Italian TV channel Rai 1 as I accidentally saw on paging hotel’s TV set. I read through translator on Italian news sites that opera begins season. Eventually, I was flabbergasted by seeing there was no point for security. I though on that US president’s movement doesn’t take long and it occurs if there is impossibility with non-disturbing ways.


Gallerie d’Italia in between church thematic and naked women had many incredible paintings though there are excellent with the second as I did in observing. If I will come to Milan it will only if somebody will offer and pay for that. Sorta sadly because I would look on pictures as Le Villi by Bartolomeo Giuliano. Even I know how to do in wild environment but comfort is foremost for me. Although Milan isn’t usual Italian mad with drivers.


The second receptionist had Indian origin, that one on the East. I made a little pause for what to say but he already looked with language chauvinist sadness though I could speak with him in using of American which he willn’t catch. This receptionist, as all his kind, doesn’t familiar that native on English can pronounce words not in ways he was taught by textbook. And he didn’t know about “carbonated”, “o-five” and “volume”. All of them understand “sparkling” only.


I found out in my room a joint of shower with hot tub. It still was myth in existing working hot tub. I wanted to know a truth. I dried two glass bottles with water in studying buttons, calibrating them and testing hot tub.


Hug me anaconda and kiss me medusa! It was bloody miracle! Working hotel hot tub machine was reality! And it wasn’t an Italian size! I lied but I wouldn’t say I had a big excitement.


I saw one thing in Northern part of Italy. If a cleaner of hotel from Central Italy can say “buon giorno” to you first while greeting for people of Turin and Milan isn’t natural. A smoking driver who had imposing look by that and he rode me to Milan Bergamo in the morning was one of them.


December 8. Marseilles, France.


I was supposed to ask a parachute from stewardess when I saw MSC Fantasia from plane’s illuminator but I was shy. I felt comfortable in France what isn’t surprising. I saw a piece of Marseilles and started to like but I shouldn’t rely on a first impression. I know, we will meet again. A port was on far north and I was supposed to make registration though I could come later but I didn’t want to be tied to something when I visit a sight. Marseilles became a transition town. I received a route direction from a company made me to get sticker. I was misguided by them with Marseilles’ metro station. Asking of charming bearded young old man who on his French convinced that I received wrong name of station. Situating in city’s underground had alike experience as I had in Paris. Two stops and I moved to square from there where eventually I took free bus which moved to port. It was luckily for me to stay in front of transport and look on virtuous honed driving of a black chauffer by doing turns on tiny road. His fast riding had exciting experience of rollercoaster but he was polite and excellent by giving road to other cars. I couldn’t but say “merci” him for his free job. I was very familiar with blue-collar work.


I passed through a special route. Eventually after all registrations, I reached my cabin on eleventh of sixteenth decks without separate suite and with balcony. I saw a seagull outside what will become a usual thing in the next hours. It was fantastic on look outside and I was excited on their hovering near with you. It’s fantastic, they don’t afraid here to come to you very close. Perhaps, a good place for feeding is explanation. Birds begin to approach to you when you come out on balcony. They are beautiful! That you get when you see them too near.

In front of me in making grandiose landscape was a big and mighty the Mediterranean Sea from which was Chateau d’If far away. A comprehensive look became when I look it with sunset.

I became acknowledged on where situated important places such as alcohol bar though I was going to keep my innocence till Christmas. It was walking through French and Italian accents, which brought to truth in the end and it was that a vessel isn’t an interesting place. I hadn’t swimsuit but two swim pools were little, hot tubs are always busied (I never like anybody else there – only me (except my lovable animals but, I know, they wouldn’t like it.).), Formula One simulator to which my asking an Asian worker didn’t understand and guided me to wrong deck while two intersex Italian couple hardly say English and a male of this pair pronounced “fifteen” hardly because it’s also perceived as “sixteen” but he understood me by expressing “Formula Uno” and I reached a correct place by crossing unimpressive arcade room and same was about wishful by was being acknowledged before it willn’t recreate reality and offer was for five minutes. Other entertainment included awful singing of lovable songs on piano which was in a central part of vessel. A day ended with poor supper where I sat on an individual table which I shared with an Uzbek pair. I wasn’t talkative but I was informed on useful fact what I love to hear from other culture and an Uzbek man said that he from his language understands Turkish, Kazakh, Uyghur to which I didn’t amaze after first due to that came from this. He called some other else which I didn’t save in memory and that he doesn’t have common with Tajik. Wine menu was bum collection. A food was terrible – it could be undercooked or overcooked. I said it to an Indonesian waitress Veronica whose name I heard clear when she asked me. I wanted to clean mouth after supper. When I pronounced to the waitress that “an egg is very sensing” in custard cream with cherry whereas she was happy to hear that by believing I liked it finally after I slightly criticized beef ribs under wines. She admitted her bad English at least. I want to say that people with this confession usually aren’t language chauvinists while she showed it in places. Veronica promised to check with tea but brought it to everybody. And she did that in all the next days.

There was other place for eating which I usually in days of meal and it had a canteen quality which determining sniffs you already get when walk nearby. It had pizza with pineapple. I wasn’t supposed to touch any other pizza which look described itself. But I took one piece with garlic, tomato and, probably, basil and I didn’t move forward after first bites.


Alcohol shop was with no chance for be attractive after visiting. Stay in cabin became the best option.


December 9. Genoa, Italy.


If Genoa people have standing out with other Italians it is they are known for miserliness which comprehensively describes one joke. A woman walks with her infant child at a sea. Suddenly comes a wave and it takes her baby away. That brings the woman to shock and following crying. She begins to pray “Please God! Return my baby, please!” Minutes of asking pass. She carries on and… another wave appears and returns a boy to the woman. She looks on him and screams “Where is his hat, God?!” Anyway, there is nothing to do in Genoa. Three different colored in titles palaces is demonstration of ego weren’t tantalizing me. I became exhausted from such places since visiting Versailles. Fortunately, I discovered a worth place for come. I was supposed to dock in Portofino as ship’s company claimed. In a city which I heard from very beginning of Adriano Celentano’s Suzanna who took it from Americans. I hadn’t reasons of curiosity there what hadn’t meaning because Fantasia docked in Genoa. That corporation misguided with tour.


I wasn’t enchanted by Genoa by watching on it from the vessel. But that viewpoint wasn’t disclosing truth. When I entered inside, I saw a pleasant town which was by narrow streets. A worker in information center gave me a drunken map. A road which included tunnel guided me to north. It required a little more for find out where I’m situating and to where walk because actuality contradicted to drawn.


I wanted to eat gnocci with pesto. Their invented sauce they put everywhere. Taking attention to the rest of region’s cuisine – it’s not inventive and rough. Desserts… I need to move to France after seeing what Genoa does. Who would like a chocolate salami after reading a title?! That’s Italian and Portuguese sweet as a story of origin says.

I chose for safety three venues in which I could get a searching. I somehow through magic map reached I Canovacci. I’ve learnt wrong information on opening at nine. It was at twelve actually. However, a door was open. Their hosts were mother and daughter supposedly. I was met by appeared poodle who began woofing and his upper legs touched my pants. I’m all right to having such contact with animals and if paws weren’t in dirt but young worker called out dog and nobody didn’t make formal apologizing. I began a conversation by getting from daughter imperfect English but I recognized that they cook troffi today. She gave chauvinist sad glance in moment I stumble in correct pronouncing of word. Workers weren’t bad people but savage. I couldn’t eat there anyway.

I walked to a second location. Il Genovese which was on via Galata. If that one will bring another misery – Ristorante Il Gelsomino was the last of hope. I came to square by seeing Palazzo Ducale which used as government’s residence in a past for six centuries. Place was decorated in classic Christmas Tree which was with put accurately balls. A beautifully chiseled Giuseppe Garibaldi equestrian statue was on parallel side. I walked around and watched with impression on it.

I crossed many crossroads of XX Settembre until to see a signage of via Galata. I turned to there and I couldn’t detect Il Genovese. I situated on Piazza Colombo around of which I’ve made circle and no one had what I was looking for. I decided to return but I was on other side of via Galata. Still was same. I lost in desire. I stepped on correct half. I hadn’t aspiration to third place which address I didn’t know precisely. It was nearby from here. Genoa, a town where Christopher Columbus was born and Pieter Paul Rubens liked to be there and found in castles inspirations for works. If I looked on something busy myself, it could be Galata Museo del Mare which I would visit for submarine while nothing else was in place. However, no desire was initially. It could be lighthouse of town which was a single big attraction of Genoa. A second tallest in the world and a third oldest in the world by speaking facts while it’s takes eye for unusual square design. The worker from information center revealed to me by it’s closed until Friday. I wanted to visit but I hadn’t sadness. Just see it was completing for me. I was planning to implement it in the end. However, I say Il Genovese. A young lady did broom cleaning. She said on existence of gnocci with pesto but warned on presence of chestnut what was all right for me. It required registration and I did it on opening noon. Forty minutes of waiting I’ve spent at fountain of Piazza Colombo by reading guide on city and checking time on pharmacy’s “plus”. One Lamborghini jeep wanted to park by all card behind did ringing and he moved away. I saw him a little bit later but he didn’t look for place in that time.

I entered in restaurant in appointed twelve o’clock and ordered chestnut gnocci and pesto. I asked an owner of place on best drink for it for curiosity and he answered trivially a “red wine”. I took a quarter of white one when I already was in process on eating of dish in which I didn’t experience chestnut. I didn’t got extraordinary from dish. It was simple chewing of potato. That was just all right. Containment of wine was devastated in short term. Probably, a Frenchman who was next to me, amazed to that. I felt good then. Perhaps, it was from gnocci.


I wanted that my eyes see the lighthouse. I struggled but not hardly with the magical map by which I didn’t move further up on the right road and I moved into tunnel. Some truck driver was confused on that when our sights crossed. I walked out from covered in dark place and realized I must move back. I moved through correct route and I saw the lighthouse through chain hedges. Trucks were riding around of it. There were going these kind of works. I looked on a building with unique construction which has firmly basics. I stayed for a little time.


I saw a lot of smoking people. My experience but I rarely saw somebody with cigarette in Italy while I witnessed it in Genoa everywhere. One old imposing gentleman asked light me. I didn’t understand until he showed on fingers. I looked on statistics. Liguria only on tenth position among regions per 2023.

Many Italians can be easily irritated from nothing. Genoa pedestrians usually wait a “green light”. One man decided to cross before. I followed to him a little bit. A rider of child motorcycle (I don’t see how more precisely describe this common Italian transport.) was extremely far away but he did rang to me. I brushed him off as fly. He something screamed to me (at least what I understood with language – it didn’t contain swears.). I recalled John McLane from A Good Day for Die Hard when he said that don’t understand what driver says. However, I didn’t aspire to take his funny ride. I was far away from him while the man turned his back because he didn’t know that I moved on few seconds later.

There is a subcategory of old men in Italy who are aggressive and antagonistic as was one who wasn’t glad with mine indecisiveness in which road choose for cross while I stayed in pedestrian zone and he waited an allowing color of traffic light.

Or when I was in Risorgimento museum and wanted to check one room which was for personnel but no word of information. A woman nearby raised hysteria. I politely asked but she was in antagonistic mood.

Doesn’t it describe savageness? “European way of life” or “values” as EU politicians frequently say and assume high culture while I can’t accept “all these ways”. Either it was with the dog in Genoa or no saying anything when I was asked to pay for hotel in Assisi and I explained that I did it there by giving cash, smoking people in Genoa who can walk to a man who don’t like cigarettes and, as well, that relocation in Venice. I described wonderful Italians and I would love now when somebody friendly claps my shoulder because it wasn’t natural for me. I usually want to know person better until come to any physical contact. However, I do not find comfort in Italy. If a person begins with antagonism – this is evil.


I’ve returned in cabin and received a paper told me that I must do a mandatory listening safety education by watching it on TV and calling on special number that I did it and visit that lection in hall because I missed it yesterday. Of course, I for that but nobody did warning before and these requirements had same scent of communism. I cut the paper on pieces and threw in a trash bin. Speaking in forward of the end of cruise, I wasn’t bothered by that again.


Dinner was greater in that time. A potato wasn’t good as with everything I said to Veronica. The Uzbek pair didn’t come in that day.


December 10. Napoli, Italy.


Antica Pizzeria Port’Alba considers as the oldest pizzeria in the world. A foundation of that place was in 1738. I familiarized myself by watching on pictures by disclosing truth that pizzas look terrible because these sick people sprinkle the French fries. How dare they to do?! I can understand that act against humanity. I would come with lupara to there for such thing. And they put shells – do they think it is not comfortable? Their luck they were closed in that day! I’m becoming Italian in such moments. Anyway, I didn’t need to visit because this mentioned year was opening as stand for peddlers while it began to do business as pizzeria in 1830. It isn’t the oldest in that in Napoli. Three more other are senior that this one and all of them locate in Napoli. L’Antica Pizzeria Da Michele operating since 1870 didn’t attract me in accuracy of dishes and presents venue on canteen level. Family traditions of Lombardi 1892, which opened in the year as name in title, didn’t grab my damned soul and sometimes I didn’t understand them as far-right Nazi father wouldn’t toward his communist son. The shells again, too much sprinkle of anything and inaccurate decoration of food. Pizzeria Brandi operates since 1780 while before that a signage was Pizzeria di Pietro e basta cosi what translates Pietro’s Pizzeria and that’s enough. Probably, it is a cradle place of Pizza Margherita if myth is true. As I assumed and I asked for confirmation a day before, Fantasia will dock in Napoli, not in Pompeii as that misguiding was on given paper. I had time for Pizzeria Brandi until it will close at three o’clock. However, I wasn’t there.


I’ve got sponsored taxi ride to Pompeii. A driver was Guido who in our conversation disclosed himself as Napolitan in blood. He began with quoting his grandfather by saying on Napolitan and his two things. I don’t want to guess with a first but a second was about “to die”. I said “it’s very Napolitan”. Guido agreed. If in Italy can discover a significant emphasis from other regions – it’s only here. A car rider confirmed to me when I asked him the regional things as all other Italians willn’t understand Napolitan dialect and Napolitans speak louder than all other Italians and the second who usually speak in high volume consider it too loud. Guido considers only Napolitan format for pizza. I knew that price on property nearby of volcano costs and cheaper and chauffer corroborated by saying that a single premise costs eighty-two thousand euros while a usual is two hundred thousand. He also confirmed that Napolitans will stay and die if eruption of Vesuvius will reach their city. I said it’s “a little fatal” but he was dead serious on what I thought wasn’t a bad joke. Driving with him revealed that Napolitans are true on their lethality. Their are fanatical and therefore it shouldn’t be surprise if he had such reaction. I asked him a trendy philosophical question on adding pineapples to pizza. His reaction was speaking toward to what I was in solidarity with him. It’s cooking isn’t frivolous thing. I used my card by saying that I would visit with lupara if somebody put pineapples but he didn't catch it. Guido was a wonderful guy. Unfortunately, he had a typical language chauvinist. He thought in places that I didn’t understand his English while he wasn’t clear there or couldn’t explain word “laugh”. I saw that he didn’t understand some things which I told. Why these language chauvinist willn’t admit their imperfection? I want to wish to myself before Christmas – never cross ways with language chauvinists. But, foremost, Guido didn’t understand that born doesn’t mean belonging. I already explained him on my origins but he didn’t catch on genetic test and relating to there staff and why I’m speaking English and how I’m using it. He was of this people who thinks that place where you born is your belonging and he accepted things from his perspective. I absolutely don’t accuse him in anything. I had pleasure when he drove me to Pompeii and back to Napoli. On a way to ancient city, he pointed on Vesuvius in front of us. The volcano was fuming in our approach.


To be honest, I didn’t intend to visit Pompeii in this trip. It was by wrong thought that docking to there will bring influx of ship’s visitors even you will have ticket before entering. This city had high numbers what caused government to reduce visitors to 20,000 per day since this November 15. No savvy made with Trevi Fountain in Rome by installing a paying entrance. However, I’m not surprise, because this country can’t regulate with driving. On Pompeii, I assumed it’s not tourist season but I believed that quantity of entering people will overcrowded. Guido gave me relaxation by saying a place willn’t fulfilled by reminding time. He relaxed me with what was truth.

I also didn’t want to come because two hours weren’t much for not hurry and get complete heartfelt from there.


I was correct with limited time. I took an audio guide which full listening would take few hours and that was with dealing with a map. An organizers didn’t care to detail territory in signages and numbers for those who listen story of incredible place. It was very Italian. Eventually, I forgot on chronology with buildings and audio guide which high volume I couldn’t reduce and it killed my ears what was other usual from Italy. However, I did needful. Because why should I visit another house if I already got full penetration? I saw significant locations of Pompeii. Foro, basilica, both theatres, bath and Temple of Augustus. I walked through cobbled boulevards and I saw these times and what life was there in every visited building. A famous catastrophe makes to experience of it’s occurring. Everything listened in audio guide was helping to situate though sometimes it contained too much needless words. Getting to knowledge on warming system made alive on one thought again that technologies of past could be advanced of modern.

There were cats in Pompeii. They looked as part of this past. Let me step away. I wanted to take a cat as souvenir. A first one, which was girl as I revealed, is a black beauty. I gave her a piece of croissant. She wasn’t interested for some time but later feline began to eat it. I saw four cats in Pompeii. Another one did meowing to me. It didn’t let out of mystical. She, as I believed, lied on a little column which didn’t want to leave. Because when I gave an other part of croissant, it felt on ground and animal looked with no knowledge how to reach it’s little distance. I didn’t want to move her out and I picked food and gave it to her. She ate bakery thing immediately. I gave the rest of croissant.

Climbing and walking around of a big theatre did inner exciting by imagining what was there. Two skeletons in a senator and her young lover who died under lava of that when it describes and makes to get an absolute of happened. There were slightly desecrations with historical origin of place but I hadn’t big disappointment. I would rid from a statue on ancient pedestal which installed in 1994 and all people who made self-portrait on camera had no idea with the last. But entering and moving through foro took my breath away. It was possible to lost and imagine that you somewhere two millenniums ago. I incredibly glad that I visited Pompeii.


I could return to port but I had three locations in Napoli to which Guido drove me. A satisfaction, which he brought to me, had price, as I found out, in simply hundred euros. I got additional unique experience which was seeing Italy from an Italian driver point of view or rightly to write a Napolitan. He rides without shyness to pedestrians and amazes how he makes through a narrow street. He stopped at one of the oldest clock which was in beginning of city. While Napoli itself is compilation of it’s twenty-six hundred history. A decision to return by walking to port was taking there. I had farewell with Guido.

It was somewhere in a first half of four of evening. I wanted to visit Cathedral of San Gennaro which named saint is highly regard in Napoli. It was in alongside with wishing to see Royal Chapel of Treasure of San Gennaro situates inside of aforementioned building. I almost already detected place and walked inside. It was highly rich in decorations even for such level  of cathedrals but it didn’t overload vision even though thinking on high influence of church in a past. I came in moment by seeing how Saint Januarius, yes this guy, is still highly popular after seventeen hundred years. It’s cool after such time. Museum did a final act of closure in front of me even though twenty-five minutes left. A ticket salesman ended his job because mass going to begin as that could see. Cathedral was secured by people in black and few from army were outside (two of the last came with rifles.). The first weren’t against when I approached to barrier for look on amazingly painted ceilings. Logically to assume, that locals with high posts are coming to here as I saw it in such police officers and churchmen when I walked outside of building. It was very likely, I looked and was nearby on people whom can see on TV and read in newspapers.

Chiesa dei Girolamini was in following. I talked with one soldiers who wasn’t armed. He guided me to place through his smartphone. I was attracted to place by that there was a scene in masterpiece flick The Treasure of San Gennaro where Nino Manfredi walks in what assumes Cathedral of San Gennaro and asks saint to rob him. I asked Guido on this film and he said on love of it as everything about Napoli. I came when it did closure and last clients were on a way out even though five o’clock was going to hit not soon. I spoke with a local whom could talk in Italian. I only understood that there is no way for coming today.

I moved to Fantasia through town of crazy traffic. I had only one confrontation when did alive of my skills of road crossing. After a traffic light gave green, a car from left did fast turning which reminded me to rise your activity and I did by forcefully stopping two Napolitans on their very Italian motorcycles.


I saw that many traffic lights for pedestrians don’t give much time for crossing on long road. I think on invalids and all people who can’t move fast.


Being in dozens of hotels and one ship, TV always only has far-left channels. It is not new but outrageous for me every time by seeing people are talking on “rape” or “killing” and then come to laughing. It was joked in many films. I was watching because I wanted to keep with news as these days were about of downfall of al-Assad regime to which I hadn’t excitement because it was overthrown by terrorists backed by Turkey. Lately and eventually, I came about what should we do in Arab world. But I wanted to follow for situation even though I would get access to Internet few days later. I watched despite I didn’t like one reporter who did spreading of lie on Israel and couldn’t stand Donald Trump. And she laughs in asking questions on tortures in Syrian prisons. This news channel wasn’t so far left but showed as didn’t have decency by giving death to Rupert Murdock while he is alive. I don’t like him but he isn’t an abomination alike to aforementioned al-Assad or Saddam or Gaddafi. This channel had a grandiose terrible commercial of airline which I will never use because it’s bad actress supports terrorists. Anyway, I prefer to read news instead watching by that the most of time it’s listening of so-called expert who knows nothing and repeats said or you read on screen. What I loved, that other news channel showed commercial of Hungary required to “make Europe great again”. Sounds familiar. And beautiful. It says a rightful truth. Outside of ship was a mighty blue sea which I didn’t see before in this journey.


I made Veronica to lose track by asking “Is <this long titled dish> possible without mustard?” but she caught the last. However, I was served with mustard separately. The Uzbek pair whose names I, unfortunately, didn’t know came on dinner. A conversation moved to that The Uzbek man found out on my age and fact that I’m not married. I still with people speaking Russian put card that I like to live alone and don’t interested in relationships at all though I was surprised that I still can be bothered by that. The Uzbek man said that males in his country come to matrimony eventually in twenty-six. If not, “we”, as he used a diplomatic word, “guide them”. Dames can’t stay unmarried until thirty. If Turkey saves this custom only in villages while that it lives even in Tashkent in Uzbekistan. However, it’s a common Asian worldview about tying knot. That corroborates such visceral in Muscovy and it’s eastern autonomy district because people there strive to marry early as possible and I exploded their world by saying I have no interest in this what is fine in our Western world where nobody asks you such questions. I said to the Uzbek pair that I’ll escape to the end of Friday after wedding. The Uzbek woman liked my joke. But, honestly, if I’ll marry, I will lose opportunity… to joke that marriage is a bad idea. But she asked, don’t I want a person to whom I share with something important. I responded, if I have problems – I solve them and if I have bad people – I rid from them. The Uzbek man said to me that I'll marry in the next year. Later he repeated with adding I’m fated to that. He wasn’t so old but the Uzbek man reminded these elders from places as his and they could see future. Just recalled.


I returned in the cabin after dinner. Fantasia began it’s movement. I was getting opportunity to see from this point powerful and splendid-looking Vesuvius by crossed ways with it. Seagulls still were flying nearby after the ship moved far away from land. I watched more than once when a bird caught a little fish and others two tried to take it. It gave idea to feed seagulls. I waited for more of them. But I decided to begin with few and I wasted half of croissant in three throwing. I already began to eat a second half which I finished by myself.


December 11. Palermo, Italy.


I hadn’t much of what I wanted to see in Sicily’s capital. I stepped on a land by revealing that there was no of a tourist center which was hardly to reach and I asked more than once while many locals didn’t wield of English language. That man on horse carriage indicated on Teatro Massimo direction and eventually a police woman will disclose that searching place inside of that building. Their both spoke Italian.


This building is luxurious decorated outside which had a parade mood. I can’t on inner due to I was in a couple of room. I met another soul-open Italian dame who gave me map and direction. She recommended to visit pastry Costa.  I saw a picture of cannoli and pronounced that word. I continued by saying thing on topic on which she was sick as I believed. “They became popular thankfully to The Godfather”. She laughed.

I was minding to visit of Soluntum or Solonto as a lady in tourist center pronounced in alongside on impossibility of idea by that it will take whole day which I haven’t in my circumstance.


Palermo is a city in which a driver will give you way and willn’t complain if you cross a little far away of “zebra lines”. I saw as it did one local and repeated ritual in front of minivan. This city in noticeable in almost of white persons though it is not a big distance from place of migrant landings. However, it’s logical, they moved further to north, to the big towns.


I acquired sponsored full ticket in Cathedral of Palermo which itself looked unusual for this kind of building and could be mistaken for palace by design. I reached rooftop for view discloses that city occupied of old apartments. I wasn’t felt in love to Palermo as I had to Genoa and Napoli. I asked a lady-guard there on what the building on that hill which I also saw from balcony in the morning.

Castello on a hill which I saw from balcony. It was more clearer when I returned. It was Castello Utveggio. I’ve learnt before but I didn’t ignite to visit it. That cathedral was chosen mostly for curiosity while not for big significance as it was to Pompeii. I moved to the exit and somewhere was a Muscovian group. Other lady-guard mistaken me when I asked “Go downstairs?’ and she responded “yes” in wrong language. Maybe she was Muscovian who didn’t know other way of talking. Anyway, it was rude from her side.

The other places included in full price ticket among them was underground cemetery and a collection of church treasures to which everything attraction was nominal.


I completed presence in Palermo by going to pastry Costa operating since 1960. I took a big cannolo with a black tea in a silk bag. It’s famous Sicilian dessert was made with passion and soul. Nothing else in the world had matter in that moment.


I directed to the vessel through old and inelegant buildings. I turned in wrong place because there was no trope to my ship. But it was for right. I did stroking of brown combined with white side lying cat who was meowing from pleasure and I would take him or her. That made fulfilling of my visit of Palermo.


I didn’t taste famous Bouillabaisse in Marseilles. I did on the ship. It was divine on taste. Veronica didn’t understand that word even I spelled every letter. The Uzbek pair had only The Uzbek woman whereas her husband decided to take nap after day’s strolling through city. We talked about experiences of all towns. Then I returned and looked on Castello Utveggio from the most closest point which I had. It was more attractive then on pictures made in hundred steps.


December 12. La Goulette, Tunisia.


Independence of Tunisia by getting liberation from France in 1956 began with asking monarch Muhammad VIII al-Amin to leave what he did reluctantly. He was deprived of properties and royal privileges by the Constituent Assembly. An installed authority appointed an independence fighter Habib Bourguiba as a prime minister who became a president and turned out into same authoritarian leader by ruling ruled from 1957 to 1987 until was being overthrown by general and appointed on post of prime minister Zine El Abidine Ben Ali who did it with help of Italian Intelligence Service. A new leader will also make his ruling as dictatorship which was until 2011 when in that year a vendor salesman Mohamed Bouazizi self-immolated in January 4 and caused revolution in Tunisia did spreading in Arab world and was titled as Arab Spring. Since that, Tunisia didn’t improve to better anywhere. A country was in turmoil time after that. Between executive and legislative branches created a conflict made that a constitutional court wasn’t installed until 2019. A politician, human rights activist and supporter of left-wing ideas Moncef Marzouki was put into presidency by Constituent Assembly in which he was from 2011-2014. A man, who is an oppositionist to Ben Ali, didn’t win election in 2019. A chosen was Beji Caid Essebsi who was from party which for Bourguibism. He forced all non-government organizations to make registration and follow under strict rules. If somebody willn’t do – it will one year of prison and fine. Essebsi died in office in 2019. And next elected person in snap election was considered himself as independent Kais Saied. That man installed loyal people in government and dismissed 2019 elected parliament in 2021. He decides with appointment of judges. Saied did rewriting of constitution in 2022 in which enhanced presidential power, a parliament can’t impeach a head of state and a president must be Muslim. A dictator deprived of diplomatic passport of Marzouki and gave him a sentence while that was outside of Tunisia in Paris. Saied restricted freedom for opposite parties and brought to arrest and travel bans of opposition and journalists. A new tyrant frightened media. Over thirty journalists were arrested in 2023. In 6 October, 2024 a presidential election had and Kais Saied got 90 per cent. He did it with arresting candidates accused in spreading disinformation, wrong sponsor and forgery of signatures. He put terrorism in charges. Saied is anti-Israeli and considers treason a support of this country. Saied’s ruling is against demonstrations.


As can see through history of independence, democracy is can’t be in Tunisia. Therefore, it means I didn’t want to even step on land of Tunisia as I executed. I watched on La Goulette and Tunis from balcony. I sensed disgust even spending day in suite. I was unwell when the vessel was in approaching. From other side, I wanted to see ruins of Carthage, do walking through Baths of Antoninus and be nearby of Roman Amphitheatre. I watched on virtually recreation of a mighty city. I could see through lake and imagine that astonishing look. A current poor look which expressed in everything doesn’t associate on what was long before. However, there were other people lived there. What I will get if not deceit and rudeness. Markets which selling needless items. They offer their things and already discount what means that price is exaggerated initially. I listened story that local guide who took group from the ship, asked to not make picture of Ministry of Defense. It’s tune can hear in many dictatorship. However, that man wasn’t strict and didn’t check. I saw an image of that place. I would interested but not so much in Tunisian cuisine. Dishes Mermez and Lablabi are occupied of chickpeas and sauce. Both are trial for your stomach. My organism returned to normality after ship moved away from a coast.


Dinner was likeable again. The Uzbek man returned to that it will happen that I’ll marry. He continued on do speaking on children while I retorted that I’m sure that I’ve used alcohol substance enough for not to have them. I described that a perfect pair for me, as I revealed, would be a dog or a cat. The Uzbek woman smiled to my last said. However, she bothered me with that too. But we had conversation on religion in which I made own statements.


December 13. Somewhere in the Mediterranean Sea.


A day was devoted to sea what was unusual due to I didn’t see a coast and somewhere it made to imagine a discomfort that I far away from land though I was fine with circumstance. Dinner’s evening had mine asking of the Uzbek pair on eating food by hand as it does Muslim countries. The Uzbek woman confirmed but made concretization on that they have such eating with pilaf. Parents of the Uzbek pair did it, the Uzbek woman still loves to do as she confessed and the Uzbek man does it occasionally whereas their kids don’t. I’ve got my point because it was interesting to see transformation and that new generation steps away from this traditional. And, yes, tickle me hundreds of crabs, of course, it had a place on that I must marry, which was in the very very end when I was going to leave a table. It was from the Uzbek woman on that I responded to her that I prayed to gods that there willn’t raise about this.


December 14-15. Barcelona, Catalonia.


The cruise was ending in Marseilles on the next day whereas I decided to embark in Barcelona in which company did registration of hotel in comfortable place which was nearby of La Rambla. I finished breakfast in that canteen with which I changed in opinion on likeable in these days. I met the Uzbek woman on the way out. We gave few words to each other and the last thing which was done by her was pointing me through finger and wishing me luck by insinuating me to direction which was obvious.


If differences between Italians are minor and I wouldn’t give much to Napolitan people eventually even if their speak fast on own dialect will don’t let to understand to other citizens of regions as Guido said whereas it is total in comparison of Catalan people with Spanish. A male manager of Hotel California in which I stopped will confirm me this truth Catalan language is more closer with French and speaking on first you’ll likely understand this one than Spanish or Italian in between of the last two are common only in basics. Where in Spain can see tall statues of people as I witnessed one nearby of road or a walking head in which holes throw coins? This in Catalonia.


I never was in Barcelona before but I knew where La Rambla was when a woman asked me after several minutes of mine presence in a city. Thankfully to writing of current novella, I’ve learnt phrase “no habla espanol” which I used twice because people didn’t hear English. A second person, who was female, smiled to me by already getting only two words. She must be liked my Spanish.

I moved through main street by leaving behind a monument of Christopher Columbus whom Catalans like to consider as their guy (which, however, not so much.) and this man stays behind to Madrid. La Rambla isn’t safe by becoming a place of thievery which committing by Moroccans. I always prepared to such situation. The male manager on mine asking of current state, said that it still occurs and don’t take your smartphone out on what I said that I haven’t and he responded then that’s fine with smile.


I didn’t intend to come inside of churches by turned out reason but getting additional time extended staying until evening of December 15. I came to first destination in La Basilica di Santa Maria del Pi which place the male manager wasn’t familiar. It was attractive by images on windows and unusual church architecture but it became a place of exhibition on research of Turin’s Shroud and you come to there by paying for that even despite you came for look only on building. I didn’t want. A payment was for seeing inside of Cathedral di Barcelona but reason with that was in seeing Pope Francis I meets with main terrorist Mahmoud Abbas days before. Their sewed image together was disgusting. Of course, His Holiness tainted himself by meeting with Raul Castro but I wasn’t in that position as Javier Milei. But now, I can’t have other. I decided to not give money to church under current leadership.


Rapture was paying for Museu Picasso. And I arrived in wonderful period demonstrated paintings of Catalan artists in their Paris period which was in early of twentieth century. That exhibition put behind of person to whom place devoted. To be clear, Pablo Picasso never was in my tastes. His found touch was drawing in cubism contained three paintings. I was enchanted by Guernica when I saw in Museo Reina Sofia by that he describe whole tragedy of bombing but I saw more there – Picasso could describe whole Spanish Civil War there. However, in his museum, I could watch on his drawing from far because close look brings a mess image. Many of presenting works in paintings or plates were accepting for potboiler by simplicity and close to infant mind. I saw what I liked but many of them were imperfect by that colors are merging in one as black hair with same background there on one portrait. Las Meninas had a couple of exclusion whereas Picasso repeats himself without shame there and makes his works as product of fast food. I shouldn’t be flabbergasted if he confessed once that he steals from others. Roofs of Barcelona had of beautiful while Santiago Rusinol, Ramon Casas and Pau Casals amazed me and made to wish to stay longer and give joyful to my eyes for watching on many of their paintings. They captured zeitgeist by which I relocated in that Paris. Organizers of exhibition did astonishing idea by making also to see unique documentary shorts which are needful for recreation of time as ladies dancing can-can in which make move which offence an army. It ends on recruited Frenchmen who take train and move to conflict known as the Great War. That was committing with joyful and enthusiastic faces which can get by seeing this short movie.


Lunch was in following schedule. I was choosing between three variants:

4Gats (Els Quatre Gats) opened in 1897 and was created as local variant of French short-lived but famous café Le Chat Noir intended as place for artists. It was appeared with financial help of Rusinol and Casas (about both of them I had no idea until I likely visited Museu Picasso,) and had in visitors known people as Antoni Gaudi and Pablo Picasso. A place was closing and opened many times. It has what was in beginning by seeing modernized cooking for exaggerated prices. It was attracting by suquet turned out as elite by doing with Norwegian lobster and Iberian pork dish. As always, any dish which began as food of poor people became as high kitchen today.

Can Culleretes which opened in 1786 and it is the second oldest in Barcelona restaurant serving a traditional food. I didn’t like working time in two hours and forty-five minutes because a lot of visitors could be and you can’t only section, nothing separately from menu. That had a canteen style.

The oldest in Barcelona Can Ramonet works since 1753. It combined contemporary approach and canteen level in one.

As a diligent person I made a lewdness choice in 4Gats. I walked to there for historical of place. Only for those who were coming to there. I saw it’s poverty before entering. The walls had photocopied works of known visitors which don’t aspire to walk and learn there. I had misunderstanding with two workers when I wanted to it Iberian pork but they said that’s only in restaurant but soon revealed that I must have registration which does a day before. However, their menu contained everything wishful as it included Iberian pork. We live among strange people. I didn’t take suquet by thinking that it isn’t right to combine fish with meat though I did on the ship two days before if I remember correct and I’m still standing. Meat and Spanish and Portuguese drink sangria to which added a little percent had cost in forty-five euros. Iberian pork was a lightly cooked in coal-working oven meat was delicious in eating and good with raw half vegetables which all of them looked as taking out from ground and a couple of them had dirt. Some of them were of not of my taste. I was eating it with sipping of tender sangria. It ended with taking in mouth a piece of pineapple which was impales in that glass. That Asian waiter, who was formal and he didn’t see how squished my two fingers by menu (he looked as Cato from Pink Panther though the last wasn’t sloppy.), was disappointed that I did add more to forty-five euros by giving a sad farewell. I moved out and felt joyful after that. I think, it was by Iberian pork.

I moved one station but I concluded for myself to take metro for Parc del Laberint d’Horta which in the end of town. I didn’t anything unusual for Barcelona’s underground train. I came to place which looking for needed a slightly more time. A garden labyrinth makes to think on pompous-cladded nobility who walk and ran in such places which deprive vision from life of ordinary people. I decided to walk through all road for get experience at all. Even some pines were young but it made to heartfelt the labyrinth. However, to the end I regretted that I didn’t take machete and left it in hotel room (*). Of course, I found way out in I was in front of volume filled of water and turned into pool. I unfolded my arms to oasis. I climbed up for observing of masterfully chiseled statues in that place which takes out you from reality as I mentioned before. I was in gardens and other places but Parc del Laberint d’Horta is significant by main sight. I even wanted to return through it but decided to detour for see other routes and monuments of magical park.

* Actually, I never had the machete.


I was for searching of calçot. It was desire I had one restaurant on mind which was La Foixarda located, as I wrongfully believed, nearby of Castell de Montjuic. A female manager of hotel gave direction to El Pintor which wasn’t far among all venues which we saw and many of them where to me familiar before when I did observation of electronic catalogues. It was going to open at eight o’clock of evening.


I had not busied few hours which I planned to devote to watching of yesterday’s released Dirty Angels. Six minutes on which no worth to write anything and moreover of more tarnishing coming from Millennium Media. Actions of characters were illogical. A story and staging were hackneyed. Martin Campbell returned to his low-budget quality from which he entered in movie production.


Barcelona has much common with Madrid. Both are welcoming by it’s pretty, rich and not-selfish made architecture and you can experience coziness in visiting in places but it was mine town too. I already got relaxation by drivers who accurate after Italy and people has a small size of rudeness as I began to say in metro’s wagon to one boy “HEY! HEY!” after he put his elbow on my hand which removed and moved later away but it can considered as bearable somehow. I didn’t catch a cultural common.


I saw a bum at some church who talked on a mobile phone when I was on a way to restaurant. I assumed that he could say “Don’t bother me, I’m working!” but conversation was going after I passed him.


I revealed that El Pintor was sponsored place. I didn’t need to use own finances to there. I think, I wouldn’t go by revealing that don’t speaking English manager and probably has of ownership of place hasn’t calçot as it revealed in a second asking because in first one he guided me to table. I would walk out but I came to paid. This little place had inventive and excellent design has of old tavern and that fake shelving unit with glued bottles. I was receiving Iberian pork in traditional way which was by jamon which is sweet on taste but that meat shouldn’t to be eaten a lot because I was overloaded my taste receptor in salt. That waiter who was intrusive to stay here and tired from work here simultaneously poured local red wine which name I didn’t see and grape I didn’t save in memory but it’s eventual revealing in bad grapes caused to express dislike after every sip didn’t matter because Spanish wine never could be good. I took mato with honey and added black tea soon – that was magnificent for conclusion. This dessert which made from goat or sheep milk is sweetly melts in mouth separately and comfortable with honey by it I had discomfort reaction at first time for many years. I am good with product of bees but, I assume, I have allergy even I have one spoon. A dish was served with strawberry which precisely added to harmony.


I was going back to hotel. The bum ended his work.


Morning of December 15. After days of left-wing news, I read James Woods on X on his saying in almost in mine solidarity on the Middle East. I needed balanced myself by reading self-minding person though I morally wonderful with that but it’s always excellent to get it from a monumental man.


My desire to have calçot disclosed that it’s too early because coming hasn’t a scheduled date. Well, not in this trip. I didn’t put in issue to visit La Foixarda after or before of Castell de Montjuic which was the final thing for committing. I was supposed to take a first stairway but I missed and did movement to incorrect direction. However, it was to that I came in few minutes before of three pm, a time which visit is free. Not big deal but I can’t reject I don’t like it. I’ve got lovable impression to gardens in cactuses and palms which I wouldn’t see if chose a right way. All people whom I asked, pointed that reaching of Castell de Montjuic can by going up or “climbing” as one person said. Something similar I’ve heard from a cozy Catalan young old woman to whom I said “gracias” and she responded to me in that language. Weather informed on cold but it was hot. I wasn’t in light coat which I was taking off and tie around me time by time. This going up is an extraordinary thing to do. I wanted to quit when I had wrong movements because Castell de Montjuic was unmust curiosity. But I was there.

I received ticket and said “hola!” to a guard without aspiring to pronounce without accent. He answered me in Spanish.

Castell de Montjuic isn’t amazing fortification. It was ordinary protected construction which used in many conflicts which were swords to artillery of first half of the twentieth century which the last can witness. Maybe, I was see weapon before if moved down instead coming up where I’ll hear from leaving American that entrance and exit are different and I will convince in that by myself. I had many views of Barcelona from it’s all points. A city is non-attracting mess from there. Myriad of contemporary buildings devastates that image. Somewhere could see spires of Cathedral di Barcelona and other known and still building landmark Sagrada Familia to where I didn’t come because it is a flamboyant construction. I watched on these building when I did moving down and reducing route through forests a couple of times. I entered in one of little towers of Castell and, my apologizes, but, I believe, I caught smell that somebody used place as toilet in little determination.

I returned to point from where I started by recognizing an actual route. It could be remembered by hobo whom I saw in beginning but he was gone. However, I watched a second one who was Negro but he wasn’t alone and had company of three joined people.

I saw that not so much of non-white persons but I wasn’t in comfort by overcrowding of everywhere. I will think on overpopulation of planet when I will in long queue for coming to bus which will drive to a needful terminal. I recalled past when number of people on the Earth had a matching quantity. I hadn’t that when I was walking in Duty Free by which I admitted after research that good booze disappears and shelves are filling by special drinks which can acquire only there but I saw that these whisky beverages are not wonderful and meeting with one of them in The Balvenie The Creation of Classic did describing for all big rest. Their describing doesn’t shy on commercial purposes. And, if it doesn’t import for me but if Duty Free was place for low prices (and such are existing as I saw in Lithuania.) – not anymore in modern times. That second Duty Free guided to what was deep in my thought – take drinks in specialized places and nowhere else.

But it was wonderful end even though with bunch of Lithuanians in one plane. I received a seat in the middle what isn’t good but a place at window wasn’t busied. So I took it. I was awarded with that and sponsored WizzAir is splendid (at least on this flight.). A spectacular service of food which I had in turkey sandwich, a this company’s salted and roasted peanuts and sparkling water. Yes, I didn’t mock a Lithuanian woman by pronouncing “carbonated” though she thought that I said “still” until I corrected. By the way, I was surprised that a steward could visit pilot’s cabin by pressing buttons on side of monitor which he covered by hand while a fragile colleague stayed in front of him. He committed three visits and the last one was crossing ways with a female which did leaving of lavatory room.

I executed my duties in signed deal with devil and I want to say, it was a little terrible but it was mostly a magnificent experience.

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