That ship, on which I made cruise, had gym which I visited all five weekdays for keep my shape somehow. I’m an old school by using barbells and dumbbells. That place contained almost only machines with which easier and more pleasure do exercises as that with legs by lying upside-down and pushing kilograms and I increased weight on five of my usual. Whereas I do extreme hard sitting with barbell. These mechanisms developed some muscles which are impossible with equipment I have. It was exciting to do working out but I, to be honest, don’t love to do it if any human presents and especially if it’s person of other sex. My own gym is shrine in which nobody can enter because it will violate harmony and I becoming to feel in discomfort and exposed. Only animals can come to me and see but they’re not interested.
And other what I can’t like with other people in gym is that sometimes you must wait when man will end. It interrupts your rhythm. Fortunately, I was lucky even in the busiest days.
If I usually make forty kilogram dumbbell for triceps, vessel’s gym had thirty-two as maximum. I asked instructor in question without hope and he corroborated. I’ve never thought that I will become tough for gym but I do. I was forced to take that weight and just do with many more repeats in the third time.
It would be easier to return through Lithuania but I wanted to abandon visits for good and move through Poland which takes more hours by distance and waiting on border. And I wanted to visit Lublin for see it’s historically significant castle and be lucky for eat region’s cebularz. However, as it happens very often, things went against plan and I was involved in another unique adventure. I decided to take comfort by ordering more expensive tickets which were from company LOT. My sponsored Ryanair flights had shaky experience literally. One plane moved me as containment of bottle when we entered in turbulent zone. Also pilots of these planes aren’t tender guys by usually doing a harsh landing. So, I give a new slogan for company “never take Ryanair even it’s sponsored”.
However, I had no direct flight to Lublin. It was via Warsaw. No wonderful sign was when pilot proclaimed on thirty-minute delay due to report of bad weather which was in fog. However, we moved a slightly earlier as I believed and I checked ticket by which I knew that I supposed to have time for plane to Lublin.
I didn’t worry because I had a glass of red wine. It happened when I saw a bottle of Spanish 2023 Conquesta Merlot when stewards were approaching with their cart. I didn’t hope on any other bottle and whiskey were chargeable what I could acquire but I won’t do that. But I asked for hope with forty degree drink and I got answer which made me to recall Lufthansa (I need to check with last because it was long time ago when I sat on plane of that company.) However, there was needed time for make Polish steward to explain my question on existence of other red wine bottle. I did it finally and he answered they have one exemplar. I said “Merlot, please”.
What can expect from Spanish wine? It’s year and origin and you willn’t get other. You will make a philosophical face by asking “How they could fail with merlot?” It was all right drink and didn’t give negative in using but it’s wine speaks for itself. I had a great aftertaste. Be drunk in the air is the most beautiful place. I need to do it frequently. Maybe, I should get a pilot license. Move to Alaska where most people have it than document on car driving.
In the end flight, I’ve heard that passengers flying to Lublin and Katowice must meet LOT operator. I arrived in Warsaw in time when plane to Lublin flew away. I waited in queue while worker called everybody how wanted to aforementioned visit. I was in one of three persons. An operator offered on taking taxi for which company will pay. I asked on detail about will that riding with all us three or separately. Answer was in about together: me, a black guy from Cote d’Ivoire and a French lady who was born in Poland as I later knew. I was on thinking of other variants because I had bus at five of evening. Things resolved by that it was possible to come in time. The operator presented a bottle of water and kit which mostly contained unhealthy food. The black guy from Cote d’Ivoire whose name I didn’t recognize expressed had in all of us a common amazement to situation on what I answered “it will a good experience”. However, an African companion needed to take luggage which we tried to find. Chopin Airport is a tangled place as it revealed. I was in it once but I had a transit flight which was to the United States. We gave some words to each other. I mostly talked with the French lady who was born in nearby of Lublin as I will recognize it. She and a Negro person came to speaking French in two times what was humiliating me. However, French lady who was born in Poland and lives nearby of Paris as she will tell me began to speak with me on Muscovian language brilliantly with no any mistake which she was studying in school in the last year under time of communism. She wasn’t sure on word “school” but I convinced her that she didn’t mistake. We gave few words to each other and I confessed in my dislike to talk on that language and especially after invasion. However, our company couldn’t find location with luggage and our companion from Cote d’Ivoire decided to separate from us. We returned to LOT center and informed. French lady who was born in Poland and have two kids as she said to me later in a car, talked on Polish with the operator on my movement with time and additionally asked on my thing with bus. We did farewell with the operator to whom I said “Thanks for something”. Find way out from airport was intricate. You follow to arrow on signage and go in one end and vice versa from the other. A thing that movement out was somewhere in the middle and no indication to there. I asked one Polish salesman and she said to where by using downstairs though the last didn’t require and there were only upstairs which we were supposed to pass. Fortunately, I turned my head in a right moment by seeing exit to which I informed in moment of conversation with French woman who was born in Poland and her daughter likes New-York and doesn’t consider Paris seriously.
We made a good team by walking out and meeting with a taxi driver of company Ele who drove a black car which considered itself of “business class”. She informed him on situation in English and he took us. She was changing languages by coming to French and giving some Polish on what the taxi driver astonished by saying that she already speaks Polish. I asked French lady who was born in Poland and was inside of Notre-Dame de Paris two years ago due to she worked in company involved in that notorious reconstruction to explain situation because with locals better use their language because it can end up you will get a mincemeat as I had it in La Spezia. I had many such situations of misunderstanding for that last twenty-four hours. I used a second native language in Lithuanian hotel for evade such difficulties with personnel who will can ask me again because sometimes I can pronounce without understandable for them accent. However, you can get antagonistic from Lithuanians who, as any Baltic nations, don’t like Muscovy people for their communistic occupation and increased it since invasion. And I caught that from two workers in breakfast room. However, Muscovian-language-speaking people are almost occupying source of earning on tourism and enterprises in that sphere can survive only on them. Therefore, they don’t dare to boycott.
We moved. The taxi driver rode insanely through roads by usually taking one-hundred sixty kilometers per hour. A distance is 178 kilometers and we reached my point in somewhere hour and half. I was usually devoted in conversations with French woman who was born in Poland and for her was fact that Muscovian language for administrative district of Muscovy is native. By having experience with Polish drivers, I see it’s common in their have a rudeness by making flash of lights which they do for asking a car with slower speed to move right and if it doesn’t execute immediately, a driver looks aggressively if transport in forward executes it but later.
The black car which put behind Tesla on a road in speed competition (the last decided to drop eventually.) delivered to the bus station. I said to French woman who was from born in Poland and I didn’t recognize her name in the end of our farewell by describing experience what was “It was very interesting”. I moved out and the driver presented took out my luggage personally. I said “Dzienkuje bardzo” (I pronounced the first as “dzyankuyu” what happened to be usually and the second as “barzo”.). He made nod presenting Eastern European shyness and absence of openness by which I got what I knew what was is it is why I couldn’t stay in Poland even for short time.
Lublin. It was such Eastern European hole. I will be forced it to visit again for the castle which I saw from the other side of road but I wanted to be inside. I couldn’t risk even for short look. It was a little drizzle weather which made worst for unattractive surrounding. A station had stink of communism by it’s design which stayed in that time. Schedule electronic screen had old information by giving time which passed long ago. I believed, it didn’t update for years. There was no information bureau. Overall, Lublin wasn’t a place you wanted to have holidays and get your European way of life. I walked outside in occasion for see bus for meet a little drizzle rain and slight cold in dark five pm. It was an alarm situation in which required to take hammer and break the window for taking bottle from there and dry it. I had personal in Buffalo Trace by which I was seduced in Duty Free because a price was right though I didn’t care on money such strong for long. It was attracting with Redbreast 12 Year Old (which wasn’t bought today.) in plethora of only of Duty Free specialized commercialized and usually jolly-colored bottles. However, I never was such desperate to fall into that I come to using of substance. It was always for satisfaction and saturation if drink is wonderful. And I didn’t find cebularz. Two presenting vendors with typical brutal looking salesmen, as I saw one of them who smoked a cigarette, offered common fast food such as shawarma.
The bus arrived at 5:20 and drove from station twenty-three minutes later. I understood that even movement to Poland, which I planning with Krakow, I must take short and fast way through Lithuania. I delay with boycott with this state while I save it with the rest Baltic countries.
I returned for see that I received a bottle of Radise Conegliano Valdobbiadene. Italy chased me everywhere. Even in drinks. I accepted my fate and uncorked that bottle.
Excellence of this humble beverage in that it will never give any bitterness. A sparkling wine which drinks swiftly and you have undisturbing aftertaste.
I decided to not end on place and open Buffalo Trace for only tasting.
Colorant was everywhere. It was in smell and when I had it’s not beautiful using. If begin to shake this Kentucky bourbon in mouth, it will mercilessly burn and you will express it’s disgust even in gathering of English lords. Eventually, it’s component will make to realize it’s a cheap quality made drink. To be honest, I didn’t see prospective with bottle of this manufactures and I wanted to recognize of it’s nominal bottle. I had that opportunity to do it in 4Gats but I decided to not buy a glass.
I switched on Strangers in the Night by Frank Sinatra which listened three times. Because Italian sparkling wine was in me and I didn’t experience whiskey had in following. Well, gym and wonderful food on the ship improved my shape but I made move back with shape in the next two weeks by missing not doing exercises and having more alcohol and small more I added in sweets. I believe, my chest reduced in size a little bit what makes me unhappy. Yes, ladies – you’re not alone who can complain about that. Maybe, it’s imagination and my chest is only lost it’s beautiful shape… Okay, I think you’re not interested in listening this. One more time in drinking in New Year but I’m coming back to working out from this Sunday.