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Runaway Train: Or, the Story of My Life So Far by Eric Roberts.

Lukaschik Gleb

My relation to Eric Roberts’ autobiography began by glancing in a couple of places of actor’s view on his played movies what attraction me to turn every page and therefore I must acquire his book. I didn’t find anything evil in him but I didn’t make a proper checking by missing actor’s presence in social networks. It happened weeks later. And I saw an ordinary far-left celebrity with whom I did usual blacklisting.


Roberts exhibits his soul and demonstrates inner and containing a lot of a dark of tinseltown. There are the interesting stories with other known actors. However, he doesn’t speak a lot on what was going in performed by him films. His book is devoted to his addiction to drugs. It’s a confession of drug addict. He tells about it everywhere. A rare speaking on movie production always led to his taking of another dose or how he came to using of other alike substance.

The book was implemented by his co-writer journalist Sam Kashner but it’s really a memoir of drug user. Stories in disorder and sometimes I got surprises such as a movie performer tells that he already used cocaine and it will very later when Roberts says on his first meeting with it. Describing of film actor’s tellings occur to be vague, without point and mess. There are places of repeating of written before. He letters two times on never having friends but after pages Roberts considers one “best” from school with whom they robbed pharmacy and it will more and more in following. Maybe, that was a human mistake in mentioning of a house with four stories which will reduce to three on following page while Roberts is prone to dramatize and imagine as can see that his first version of finishing with drugs was in 1992 by falling on a floor with grabbing sink and getting hit by mirror and he did it “for good” in 1995. He also writes his wife Eliza put choice between her and cocaine. A performer prints on having three threats of divorce but tells on two. Roberts can be not precise as that has his thinking that Robert Kennedy won nomination as candidate of the Democratic Party in 1968 while a politician was on a second place in ongoing primaries before he was assassinated.

Sometimes his stories are strange and not interesting and Roberts greasily accents on boring everyday life, his relationships and personal life in he does disrespect acts to his wife by cheating and being a drug addict. It goes on speaking on infidelity of wife’s biological father.

Roberts is open on his crimes, drugs and sleeping with other women. But you can catch easily, he doesn’t say at whole. Missing places sense. A tragic incident with his stepmother is one of them. The actor confirms what you get in his autobiography that taking of drugs and conflict personality as it was always wish to interpret a personage in own eccentric way deprived him many opportunities but he doesn’t detail on his ending up in playing in dozens projects per year though you understand it without Eric Roberts’ admitting. I assume, his ask Stallone to keep in The Expendables series was for good money reasons. Many actors dream on be in franchise.

The performer in self-vanity by thinking that his presence in music videos influenced on that songs were being on top. He wasn’t in those two Emmy nominees for In Cold Blood. It was in Satellite Awards which had a first year back then.

He excuses for that people consider A Talking Cat!?! as “nadir” in his career (however, what difference if he mostly involved in such productions?) thought he has pride in it. A director of flick said Roberts made his voiceover through phone in fifteen minutes.


A movie actor displeases me by doing reasoning as a political correct person by viewing a female personage in Gunsmoke as a first feminist while people didn’t think in that way in these times. I couldn’t listen his understanding of statement which can’t relate that it speaks a big part of youngsters that they shouldn’t bring kids in the terrible world as they think though, I’m sure, these persons are those who say that his colleague didn’t respond in smile at the morning. That’s right, they shouldn’t have children.

I don’t see as must to promote career of somebody of relatives as Eric Roberts always is looking for place for his stepson. I do not see wrong that father of his wife didn’t do that. Of course, if it’s talented man and he or she asks on that. However, Roberts has peculiar extreme perception toward his father. He quotes several letters which calls as toxic but I don’t see that if his dad writes on his daughter who wants to see both parents. His father Walter Roberts saved him after from beating by his mother and called police when a second husband of turned up ex-wife committed harassment act toward his son (strangely, that they didn’t chase that man who left house with his future new family.). Not every parent can do that. Yes, Roberts’ man had eccentric and even dark as he wanted to take money from his second wife by fraud scheme but I don’t see point of Eric Roberts’s accepting him as an unpleasant person just because letters. Maybe, he didn’t write everything but this book makes to dislike Roberts by his acts and reasonings. His obsession to get weed (he dropped with heavy drugs but never get rid with cannabis as he will repeat more than once.) before Emmy ceremony was humiliation and absence to protect his wife by driving with her to unsafety area foremost and more abominable was asking Eliza to sit on drug salesman’s lap for ride to location. I glad that I didn’t buy his autobiography separately for this incident. In that book can see, Roberts has typical for drug users that he can’t be responsible for himself and this person must be controlled. These people have wife who stand them. The book gives human invalidity of Roberts considered many people for father figures but there were bunch of them who led to trouble.

However, Eliza Roberts is no for sympathy if she read Roberts’ father’s letters without permission what made her to remote from husband until he did explanation. His wife doesn’t respect his saying “no” to performance in a music video of her favorite band and despite he was exhausted after working on other project and participation there offers a low payment but she forces to do it.


Roberts would be successful as a comedian by writing of no Uber in 1994 when he and Eliza needed to reach one location in New York from their outskirt house. At least, he wrote something and it was worthy and juicy on classic The Specialist. Badly, he didn’t put anything on process of Best of the Best and Best of the Best II. Funny but I’m happy I didn’t pay for his book because I didn’t want that money could be spend on another weed. Roberts does comparison with great novella of Robert Louis Stevenson Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde which was in mine recalling before that. I compared it with one character who knew secret of doctor and ceased friendship with him. Eric Roberts’ book made me to dislike not only it’s author, but his wife and his famous sister revealed arrogance though to her was no favor before and lately for not unusual in Hollywood hypocrisy with supporting Biden and relocating to Harris which makes one more association in familiar. No, you can’t decide for whole world, Eric. I never was of those who saw and I have no piece in admitting her as beautiful.

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