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Shooting Columbo and Unshot Columbo by David Koenig.

Lukaschik Gleb

Lieutenant Columbo films are legendary and innovative. It has an inventive conception which wonderfully changed sometimes. Audience usually sees a guise of murderer and committing act and that becomes how detective can arrest him. I love personality of protagonist. He knows psychology by catching details on human behavior and he can possibly see in beginning who is a criminal. Lieutenant comes to bothering of that person by starting to talk on his wife and her ostensible (or possibly not.) interest to sphere in which a suspected person involved. For make arrest of a killer, Columbo either finds a minor evidence or traps him or her by manipulating on presence of undestroyed trace. Lieutenant Frank Columbo, as can read on his badge in two episodes and an evidence bag in other one, is a man of many hidden talents. I adore that if lieutenant doesn’t know subject, he learns it. Certainly, I was excited by finding out on existence of books about what was behind of camera and describing of screenplays of potential pictures.



Shooting Columbo: The Lives and Deaths of TV’s Rumpled Detective


David Koenig did reading riveting. It was incredible to recognize and experience how development of each episode was going by revealing many fantastic things of inside of filmmaking process which makes to see why I love this movie show (despite I do not like few episodes and moments in revival run as Columbo Cries Wolf foremost by that I can’t take for believe that Lieutenant can be fooled by such trick.). It always was with high quality and Peter Falk taking of control and his perfectionism contributed. A book is discovery of many things. Bruce Kirby’s presence or demonstrative quit smoking in the end of first season. It amazes by names of actors who were considered for roles of murderers. Working titles of films which few of them I find better than a final variant. I was flabbergasted by Universal wanted all Mexicans with inclusion of villain in A Matter of Honor must be shown in positive light, because I wasn’t delighted by insolent behavior of Pedro Armendariz Jr’s chief of police when I watched that flick at first time. And he wasn’t one personage. A murderer played  by fantastic Ricardo Montalban is a toreador who kills his worker for that he can tell, as he believes, on seen weakness which is coming to stupor in front of bull – a motive of not sane person but that’s actual demonstration of people of this occupation because they are really full-fledged lunatics if just listen them. The toreador slays in sadistic and cruel approach by shooting a tranquilizing gun into the worker and releasing bull. Columbo had unfriendliness of Mexicans when his car, which collided with other, was taken away by transporter instead coming of policeman for investigating. Lieutenant was grabbed unpolitely by two cops and brought to chief. Portrait of Mexicans is authentic of it’s rude reality than positive. A head policeman is blackmailing main hero. He says on Columbo situation that can’t help despite they’re both are police officers but switches on possibility to resolve if a lead hero will help with murder and blatantly ends on that he would do similar as representative of law forces.

I assume Peter Falk did that additional directing of Etude in Black on which Shooting Columbo describes by don’t mentioning who did it while information says on actor’s involvement behind of camera. The book does small inaccuracy by mistaken on dates of filming of flicks in beginning. I don’t hammer but point only as fact that Henry Mancini who is the most significant composer of Columbo wasn’t mentioned by David Koenig who wrote a chapter on music.  A conclusion wasn’t well written muddling by giving odd comparison with autopsy and the films will always popular if people who watched or discovered are fortunate to remember. Nevertheless, Shooting Columbo makes that I will see flicks on Lieutenant in new way, because reading causes to rewatching.



Unshot Columbo: Cracking the Cases That Never Got Filmed


A second book by David Coenig is observation of nineteen potential Columbo movies and telling of their behind stories.

It begins from Larry Cohen on whom disrespected for not giving idea credit on Murder by the Book while I’m very sure he wouldn’t write a startling script on this due to he wasn’t a fine moviemaker by being familiar with many his penned and staged films and his presented treatments for Columbo flicks are also have enticing ideas whereas realization is never adequate. I came to skip in reading of screenplay’s describing every time of getting that storyline is incoherent or had any other bad. I passed stories with which I was familiar and no one of those was incredible. I knew on Brian de Palma’s wimpy script before which initial messing up is that his murderer has a ring by a camera. I started to read it for getting more details but ended. A director didn’t learn personality of Lieutenant who wouldn’t late because did watching show. Paul Williams, who was proposed and he agreed on performing flick’s villain, is tantalizing if he would appear as murderer in case of wonderful script.

I ignored and moved to part of rejection of flick production, which mostly was that Peter Falk or a producer also hadn’t favor. I began reading of proposed film with classic structure in which I guessed who did killing and one of reasons was in usual status of vile people in Columbo. I relocated to conclusion by being correct in that simple whodunit. I couldn’t continue after other one narrating on murderer who uses gas which causes heart attack for his victim and it doesn’t kill dog.

The other screenplays are weak and Critic’s Choice: Murder is among them but it had potential in incredible villain’s personality of film critic who was a member of Black Panthers and James Earl Jones considered for part is welcome. It could work by hard redoing as commit eradication of too many naive clues for pointing to Lieutenant for begin to suspect and malefactor couldn’t do such mistakes.

And astonishing conception was in one more unrealized potential in Shooting Star in characteristics of soap opera actress and her combination to make double slaying. Idea with masks could turn to greater turn in The Bride of Frankenstein if not going to whole wrong and becoming a madly convoluted mess.

Personally, a book writer isn’t diligent by don’t introducing characters what was making to question who is that person by reading unseen name before. His narrating of screenplays aren’t clear in describing by don’t mentioning details. At least, it becomes understandable somehow later though I constantly surprised to another act from a personage. I don’t see point of Koenig to mention similar elements of previous flicks with which no common and he must know that procedural and murders have standards. He is incorrect in observing of Killer’s Choice that characters give different portraying to victim as it in Laura what isn’t true and I additionally disagree by considering a classic detective with Dana Andrews and Gene Tierney for noir at full, because this only in elements. And what is author’s basis in writing on “inevitability of reboot” in conclusion? However, a book discloses how stories aspire to become movies by telling on process of unmade screenplays. Moreover to grandiose, it reveals other side personality of Peter Falk. Shooting Columbo and most of Unshot Columbo on his attitude to men from studios whereas in the last pages of the second book Koenig writes on an actor toward to not famous and regular persons, which is true himself, a human and grounded to earth person.

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