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  • Lukaschik Gleb

The Black Demon

I avidly wish Adrian Grunberg will get opportunities to stage more budgeted movies. VOD isn’t area for such talent. He is only one of newcomer directors for the last fifteen years who isn’t simply sits on a chair and executes job – he is a storyteller. I don’t give bad to The Black Demon – this movie I would wish to see in theater.

It story is innovative in setting place, conception and presentation of shark is unusual. That makes to believe about what locals are speaking and have faith. The Black Demon puts who monsters are. Not one shark on it was in questioning in watching. Containing ecological message is a truthful here.

Horror, which mostly occurs, in that a threat is nearby what can give more tension then in seeing of it, because mind can raise a big imagination. Adrian Grunberg is a monumental storyteller. He brings suspense. He brings tension. He brings horror. He makes to believe in danger and I experienced stance and every feeling of personage.

I see real people – not supermen in acts and body structure. Actors got opportunity for show their grandiose with a script, which has elaborated characters making high-end drama. Josh Lucas is marvelous in transformation of his personage whose line is no standard. I was satisfied to argue with him as primary in the end. All adult staff always in roles. While Venus Ariel demonstrates live, but sometimes she with no effort when her character isn’t active in plot and Carlos Solorzano’s hero more absents in these places. Nevertheless, their performance doesn’t disrupt.

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