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The Irresistible Mad Craving for Freedom. Chapter XXI: “Without Frank Sinatra.”

Lukaschik Gleb

In that night, when I completed with writing in the first penultimate article, I had straight away discovery of what became materials for the second penultimate article. I made research in Friday and did printing on keyboard of another, as it will reveal, part. Saturday turned to what was hinting my guts but I preferred to reject. It wasn’t at first time when I didn’t listen my conscience who would be a drunkard after all if it would had a living form. But among reasons was I couldn’t imagine what I didn’t letter in the first penultimate article. I didn’t see after doing a meticulous checking of studios. Especially it could only from a past. It revealed in ignoring of one stuff by don’t raise interest to who was involved. I did inspection which disclosed familiar names of companies. It was a thing which lettering must be done. I did learning of their game until early Sunday. It was paramount abomination of political correctness after which I wanted to clean myself by getting of anything positive. A draft of text was making with research simultaneously. I didn’t begin to transform it in something acceptable for reading. I received a free opportunity to visit a car exhibition to which I wouldn’t come by paying own money. I agreed. Luckily if it was so, there was a caravan moving to that direction. It was better even though it was entering into discomfort. I did it for variety in killing me stability and I needed in fresh air for better sleep. Opened window didn’t give a normal sleeping and I decided to have every meal outside.


Dark territories doesn’t have occurring of interesting. The car exhibition was a mistaken exclusion. However, it’s rarity was in seeing an attractive. Mostly it was commie cars which designs were stolen from their slamming West and automobiles I usually saw in nineties and zeroes. Too many repeating as Lincoln Town Car of seventies was three times at least. Opel Kadett, Volkswagen Passat, Volkswagen Golf and Ford Taurus weren’t unusual in introduction and these cars were for those who have no money. A little of machines on wheels were from zeroes by giving ludicrous for exhibition “vintage” in a name. However, it was hardly to get convenience if too loud speaker is sounding interview of some presenting owner who is saddened on getting difficulties with buying of spare parts since invasion instead switch on music, as it does on such events. Singing of songs had a place on short time, which was in untalented woman decided to interpret Frank Sinatra’s melodies. You can’t make an adequate talk with people by high volume of speaking from prolong column if you would want it. Thinking never was in characteristics of barbarian nations of dark territories. Frankly, I would surprise if things were normal.

I’ve seen worthy for look in few exemplars, but savages can’t respect transport by swapping on odd modern sits, same panels and et cetera by taking away an initial beauty and what love for. Other kind of desecration was in a lot of transport in woeful state as these from abandoned places. The slaves never could understand and care on anything. I was in flashbacks of National Car Museum in Turin where esteem. It’s always about people. I was visiting websites selling old cars in America and their owners do identical attentive attitude.

I had delight to little as strongly to Ford Mustang of 1968 which is a perfection of design in muscle cars. And it had manual what did rise of my excitement to a big high. It hadn’t complete deformation. One more of that first generation machine was watched later by which I couldn’t be touched by a big skull handle on gearbox, which was part of whole transformation into ugliness. Ford Mustang of sixties was a dream automobile on which I wanted to make my ride of America until I accepted that I can’t sit in a transport has name of anti-Semite and a person who supplied Nazi Germany. I willn’t inside of what names Volkswagen and Porsche. I have a little regret, because The Henry Ford Museum is tantalizing in showpieces. I would want to view on Kennedy’s limousine and a chair on which Abraham Lincoln sat in Ford Theatre. However, I would accept a visiting of Ford’s Museum if somebody provides.


Friday ended with drinking a bottle of Mucho Mas. My return in the tower in Sunday was with taking almost two glasses of Royal Stag. Monday had a little needful of more researching in writing of parts for both penultimate articles after which I had a piece of white bread and a glass of natural milk.

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