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The Irresistible Mad Craving for Freedom. Chapter XXII: “The frozen activity.”

Lukaschik Gleb

It was somewhere in fall of previous year. I was in strong desperation on realizing emigration by losing opportunity with renewal of humanitarian visa. I’m in searching for solution did contacting with my cousin Sergey who had experience. He told his stories. Among them was getting an offer to work in Los Angeles which wasn’t trustworthy and had a condition on reaching place on your own. He didn’t take it but my cousin said that would wish to visit and look on everything. He wants to see America. I am same. No idea how long and, maybe, it was always I have a dream to travel through the United States. I kept papers with written places which I recalled or was reminded when composed. A list wasn’t accurate in consistency. Adding new increased to creation of mess. I couldn’t come to rewriting and making order for years. Having call with cousin didn’t give me a requiring hope but it activated me with flaming passion to do rewriting of US locations from papers on computer. Since that my list formed as a route in which I put places orderly. I did mass learning and much writing down of wishful. I still adding time by time. I was looking for books about America either it’s a whole story or a special part. A second wasn’t easy as Peter O’Toole devastated passive and never capable for acting Brad Pitt in shared scene of god awful Troy. I was discovering not reliable and doubtful sources. I’ve got one grandiose but I was ready to accept more. And I did so when I was going through unseen slashers in their golden times. I was watching Prom Night. One character takes out a history book in which will disclose that he keep weeds. My eyes caught title, which was on one second. I paused and did rewind. I entered title, did inspection and it was what I was looking for. I ordered with getting opportunity from Armenia. You really never know!


Late evening of Monday. I decided to correct beard after two or three weeks of intention to come to that. I implemented for have a riot spirit only inside. It was followed by cleaning sink which look didn’t glad me. A little time later, I had a nice time by call of Ivan Ivanovich and his wife Tat’yana. It was dozen minutes of blessedness. Ivan Ivanovich wished me to continue to fight. I responded that I haven’t other choice.


I did additional searching and writing for the last put piece in the first penultimate article to which I also did a minor correction from mistakes in Wednesday. Once I scrolled text from the beginning to final strokes. I was in satisfaction from done. It can consider for conclusion of previous written. I did a little work with one sentence in the second penultimate article in between that.


A new government of Italy disappointed me in previous year but they improved by admitting disaster and entered sea restrictions which reduced migration on 62.4%. However, ships moved to Spain and Greece. I would wish the Spanish people have politicians who will for them and country.


King Charles who used to be Prince Charles is funny guy by ordering portrait which is bloody hell and founding town which name is self-defining. I had tantalizing idea to trial myself on passing of driving license in England due to it’s infamous difficulty of getting. I decided to not search for insanity and do where it will normal by keeping hope I will could handle. I never was that student who sits in classroom and wishes a teacher will call my name. I think, my necessity of getting license will make me to pass.


Jason Statham’s films of time from spring 2015 to 2021 can characterize as “Downgraded”. His current period had beginning in previous year and calls “Sold and Generic” by playing in communistic productions and pictures with derivative screenplays. I do not in trust to Levon’s Trade, which is the biggest bid on it will a well one movie, among announced actor’s projects even a scriptwriter is Sylvester Stallone. Writer Sly and lead starring Stath at second time has a similar screenplay conception which has in previous collaboration made monumental Homefront. On lonely father who is ex of some special secret agency settled with his daughter in small town and wants calm life which he will not get. I would smile if plot would get the last. An everyday life of construction worker who was a government operative – it would be a funny drama. Levon’s Trade from series of twelve books on right now by Chuck Dixon, which almost every storyline’s describing is always about something taking out from a main hero (not only people but it was a car and once it was a horse.) and next stroke says that these bad people stole it from a wrong guy who is Levon Cade and he will go on punishment and retribution. I madly like a name of protagonist and nothing to else was my attraction. I gave a chance to a first book on which film’s basing, but I came to scroll down look of it’s a uniform story. Stallone always could transform to incredible. It became in a past. Today, I am not confident.


I love through searcher to look for the stories on experience of regular people met a famous human or saw when he or she wasn’t known, because it makes to see person’s behind. I had plethora on Bill Cosby showing him radically different from his family-valued shows and all cases of meeting him were on his rudeness with no matter on age. He was arrogant to kids. I was reading when his personality already became an infamous and these stories corroborated his nature. Cosby’s place is only in jail, because that man will always dangerous for society.


I read a couple of interactions of usual people with Donald Sutherland in which admitted his politeness and giving tip in twenty bucks where pointed that he keeps banknotes of this nominal constantly. Sutherland was a diligent man and I was strongly saddened by recognizing on his passing. It was getting of big loss. I once read on installation star on alley and it was after his son already had what was frustrating. Kiefer is a wonderful actor, but his achievements in cinema aren’t significant with that cheapo show on twenty-four hours in comparison of colossal have done by his father. I’ve learnt from reading of sad news on coming of memoir Made Up, But Still True, which already ignited to know what it will about at least. Very likely to get curious details from liked movies and people with which Donald Sutherland worked. It would be tremendous if book will on he will speak on films in which played for money. I joked in zeroes and tens on how short will his presence, because he appeared on less ten minutes and his character was getting killed in that time. Donald Sutherland was a suave man, but he began to speak on his sex life in interview what usually do people who have nothing for tell and it’s inappropriate to speak about this foremost. Such dull stories were never pleasant for me and I never saw as interesting because I consider it’s alike to informing that you’re washing hands before meal. I have dangers, Sutherland wrote about that. His left-wing views and anti-war activity aren’t factors because I didn’t see an inclination to radicalism of far-left and support of anything in amorality, but I can’t be confident that he didn’t lean to nowadays’ toxic extremist left climate. I willn’t risk and I will not pay for his book. A memoir was supposed to be released in this November but gone of Donald Sutherland delayed on year and half what confuses about purpose. I don’t want to express assumptions with the last by not having firm basis but I know that a publisher who thinks commercial – he commits a mistake.


I was excited till space by announced Sylvester Stallone’s memoir The Steps. Further learning revealed it will the stories of getting of lessons and hard fights. I had hesitation, because I was anticipated to read of alike to Total Recall, not similar to Be Useful, which both by Arnold Schwarzenegger. I wanted to acquire the second Arnie’s written for potentially intriguing stories, because I was sure he will not make discovery for me on what to do and I wasn’t wrong with that in looking on illegal electronic version. Unfortunately, that didn’t give wishful. I read few places and found that I have disagree with Arnie. He advices on have plan “A” only because you willn’t believe in it if you will keep alternatives. I can’t understand this mind. Of course, if you without faith in your success, it can cause to failure even with relying on one variant but if you have savvy mind, you will keep spare ways. That’s pragmatism. I personally, had more than once a circumstance when plan “A” was going to failure and I used exit “B” which saved situation. Never reject a possibility of force majeure. I did analyzing and came to Sly’s book willn’t alike to Be Useful in narration. It is not teaching, that’s more telling about overcoming of hurdles. I assume, it will to taking of hardcover.


A tender cold was outside. Arrival of fall was in Thursday. I had two glasses of Glenfarclas Aged 10 Years. Some things are ecumenical as Rick Astley is. Even though a passivity of situation increased my madness and wish for civilization activated in longing. I pointed myself on fact it was almost half a year of aspiration. I wanted to act and that asked as Harry Potter world required in shotgun. I still didn’t push myself with applying on US embassy due to I didn’t move out from relying with Poland. Mainly, it was a deeply involvement with the big book. A fall of apple from a tree was a one sound which I heard except a keyboard. I didn’t get changes with research compositions on Lieutenant Columbo and I must send a pressure signal again. However, I received a new information in Thursday. I wrote two more pieces for the second penultimate article in Friday.

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