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The Irresistible Mad Craving for Freedom. Chapter XXIV: “On the edge of final in something.”

Lukaschik Gleb

Maybe, that rude Polak woman sold room to other when I almost arrived in Poznan was indication on wrong turn for me. That I shouldn’t start here. Eight-day stay in sympathetic quiet town which half of them went on philosophizing expressed in drinking. I had an occasional thinking on find this person and do some revenge for unappropriated behavior. I didn’t connect personally but I sensed rotten. It was old communist generation. If I have of Italian in myself – it’s remember everything. Anyway, I got hints on I’m in mistaken place. It was demonstrated in eccentric Polish man who called other price for deposit and I repeated his digits in amazement for be sure that I didn’t misheard while this language chauvinist perceived own and said slowly and detailed again. This was a direct sign to say farewell to him. I knew now, I willn’t implement a third plan if I’ll get visa.

Sometimes you see that not all pieces of LEGO combine. I do not believe, I wasn’t faster than those who got ticket in queue. Either it was luck against me or I got invitation later or because the big book which still didn’t let me out. I was in writing of all texts. Editing of final prevents by receiving a new information, which will propel to investigation, as that was every time, and, as well as, this came for be an addition to piece in the first penultimate article. More revealing about ex-developers of adventures was disgusting to write but it was necessary to be there with no dispute and I was joyful once again with getting facts. Written beautified all disclosed evil which I described in an article. However, process with the big book took approach of Figaro. I was relocating from place to other one. Meantime circumstances were happening to schedule. The books on Columbo arrived in September 17 and I received them in same day. Longer than was in previous time. I unpacked and put my nose into pages. I love smell of new books.


Newgate Prison. I disappointed that it was demolished in 1902. Back then didn’t think on turning into museum. It wouldn’t a big extraordinary place though I would add entertainment by giving opportunity to have complete experience by spending day or more in depending on payment for that and giving respective food.


Drinking of big rest of Glenfarclas 10 Years Old gave goodness to review on Hellboy: The Crooked Man. I looked on film’s director’s ex-partner Mark Neveldine who rightly to say had a project The Olympians, which synopsis describes on two heroes who must reveal corruption inside of International Olympic Committee while in reality it is rotten at whole. They can call me, I will write authentic screenplay with one bottle of Jack.

I wanted to swap on watching Reagan for just see an exact and amazing transformation of Dennis Quaid and graceful Penelope Ann Miller into actual people which made to believe I look on personalities themselves what I experienced in clicking film’s length where also there I was reminded by fictionalized elements which made me to cancel an intention.

I didn’t take attention and therefore I didn’t recognize that second policeman in Gunner was Arnie’s son. I like his striving to individuality but he isn’t strong in acting and has no charisma. It senses in his recreation of Terminator 2 scene.

A choice did downslide to beggar size with coming attractions. I still in to Forbidden Sky though I increased in disfavor to it’s creator. Greg Sestero visited Poland in June and cleared in interview in Poznan that he still didn’t starting filming of Forbidden Sky and plans to do in fall. Backers weren’t informed on neither of both. Woefully bad, people can’t require refund.


Probably, I could be only surprised or excited by new Dennis Rodman’s hair in this world. However, lovable Israel impressed in double mass pager explosion in attacking on Hezbollah. I was joyful in watching videos.


I was prompt in Friday of twenty-sixth week when was coming of another chance after almost two weeks of nothing, because Polish centers had a good old shutdown of system. A photo of myself was taken with two penalty seconds in calibrating of camera’s screen what was fast. Whole process was swiftly executed but I wasn’t in queue. I could accept for possible only that it has a lottery effect. There I lost faith in probability to get a Polish pass which made me to check on possibility in updating of alternative. Spanish embassy is open for tourist pass. I registered for check possibility to get in queue by planning to do this whole twenty-seventh week. I was skeptical on positive. It revealed as true in Monday. Website couldn’t accept saved in database password and I couldn’t enter later after waiting of loading and seeing rejecting inscription informed on amazing technical difficulties. I hadn’t way through Spain.


Half of year for breakthrough to passage. One thing is that if I would move with full getting of wishful today, I wouldn’t cut my hair. Let it reaches lower blades. More than year without even breathing of freedom. Five years without visiting of cinema theater. No booze since Friday 13. Luckily, I solved with the last and found salvation after nine day hiatus. I discovered one more shop. It hadn’t attracting bottles as everywhere when I situated inside. Only and one exemplar of Jim Beam Rye which is definition of beautiful. It’s salesman wanted to sell me more. He offered bag, which was as gift, and I explained that I take for myself. Then this man pointed on buy chocolate. He must write a guide “How lost client in a couple of seconds”.

Drinking didn’t rid me from weariness of the world but it contributed to increase mood to better. I know, freedom will cure from everything.

I would join to William Shatner’s Antarctica Cruise by seeing after doing of research a price is right if I would be more liberate with finances.


Something made movement after all. I ended the first penultimate article though I already was in reading on Columbo after having on hands and I clapped a back cover of a first book. Criminals in these flicks usually rich or have a prestigious occupation and I love it. I jokingly imagined all these murderers after getting of sentence meet in jail and talk on common in intelligent manner.


I wrote the planned thoughts to BerBer by finishing on that it was the last ever time. Then I, as a citizen of the world, reported on criminal activity of Armenian private company to the European Union and US Department of State.

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