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Walking to the White House: Day and night on stage.

Lukaschik Gleb

Every of these two candidates on vice-presidency are impeccable faces of their parties. A man from Republicans who didn’t participate in combat but was in Iraq while his opponent ran away from duty to be deployed to Saddam’s state and brags on his military significance in which includes fiction.


I watch on photos with Tim Walz, his posture makes everything for look as Soros boy. Especially it was when he did shot with that heir of fund who exposed himself by picture collection with people of far-left party as well as by visits of him and his father of the White House which are suspicious by their quantity in dozens. Governor was asked a first question on support or not of preemptive strike by Israel to Iran and he walked away to own wave. Walz had behavior of robot here. JD Vance also did outside speaking but responded on that same question in final.

Governor of Minnesota was without facts by simply rejection drug mules or his attack on Donald Trump hadn’t point as indicating that ex-president did reducing of taxes. Walz admits on his misspoke in being in Hong Kong in time of Tiananmen protests and admits on place that he was there with adding usual of political that it taught him to be a governor. A communist VP contender was contradicting to himself. He, a supporter of all kind abortions, never talked in examples on those who didn’t want to be pregnant. His answering on questions was walking around.

Vance didn’t respond on part of separating of children who were born by illegal migrants though I see that deportation must include them too. However, senator mostly gave explanatory answers on questions.


It was more than a single time when each contender praised other. I like to see a true honesty of politicians and accepting of views which different to yours instead antagonism but I can’t accept for normality when opposite party is communist in authoritarian sense.


Why no one of hosts did pointing to Tim Walz on not answering on preemptive strike as it was every time he did evasion whereas they did to Vance as about healthcare plan?


NB. Trump couldn’t rid from useless and helpless Obamacare by having opposing in Congress. He offers a right solution in his situation by introduction of new healthcare as he said on own debate (on which he didn’t detail.). Because with the USA laws impose and enter can do in one snap while revoking takes a prolong time and multiple approval which probably can include a plethora of disagree people. However, I different in view with Donald Trump on healthcare and I wrote this once.


However, the reporters mostly executed their duty (inappropriate was in “fact checking” toward Vance who, however, clarified by adding details with Haitian illegal migrants.). Not as it was with Kamala Harris with whom revealed her preparing ABC in questions. But it’s true in the end that senator didn’t speak on asked and became to lose in little places. Nevertheless, he was dominantly victorious in debate though it is not difficult to crash administration which did sinking of economy and created mess with borders though JD Vance kept usually well. Nevertheless, both candidates weren’t fittest politicians and each of them was dreadful in these last ten minutes by speaking outside. But senator could to be a wonderful as he does in interviews and I increased in sympathy to Ohio’s senator for hearing savviness in some issues from him. He showed this finest when did correcting of moderator and it was in closing statement by deconstructing Harris in which showed superiority of him and Donald Trump.


I am getting horrified by imagining if worst will stay.

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