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  • Lukaschik Gleb

2015 Calle Merlot Veronese.

I did stock of booze. I wasn’t trusty to Calle Merlot Veronese because it contained 16,5 percent of strong what against my standards of good wine. However, circumstances brought to violation of them. But I faced for myself that I always was a man who wants to discover unknown.


I overcolded wine, but booze restored to asking temperature. Drink requires time for come to it’s juice. I poured it in glass and I wasn’t trust to look on golden honey-color cover. Something reminded pepper was in the bottom as I found it. Calle Merlot Veronese was thick on taste after I opened hard corked bottle what I never had before. Sniffing doesn’t give personality. But that, as with Stunning Italian Lady, requires one thing and it’s PATIENCE!!!!! AAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!! God it dam… Never mind. After passed time, I sniffed wine and it was delightful to do it again because it was alike to scent of rose. I did sips and drink became better in the next every time. Somewhere Calle Merlot Veronese of 2015 gave abhorrent what I had in deal with past drinks as taste of ashes and followed experience of acid, but eventually it became divine multifaceted elite variety of a single merlot. Aftertaste is stability feeling. You’re in a center of wave of harmony.

A degree was fine. It gave a little influence, which only made saturated for wine.

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