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Sliwowica lelowska 50%.

Lukaschik Gleb

I just needed to pay one-hundred two dollars for probable freedom if come from what was happened in the US Consulate. However, I arrived in Krakow Airport by having four hours before I’ll take plane. I couldn’t just sit with laptop and you understand that I needed something to drink. I was doubtful to Eastern European alcohol beverage sliwowica by assuming a down presentation but rising of my curiosity which could be probable by desperation state in long waiting caused me to acquire a one hundred gram bottle of Polish variant in Sliwowica lelowska 50%.


A first sniff was disgusting cheap alcohol. I made sip which made to think on moonshine. I felt grape in the bottle with cherry on image. Scent transforms into village tincture what logical is. The drink reports on such fact that “produkt regionalny”. There is no burning in rinsing. Aftertaste makes you feel that you’re in jollyfield in a great company of dwarfs. Sliwowica lelowska terminated my suffering of flight awaiting.

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