Not through Greece. I’m searching and thinking on variants and it will take other big delay. I’m a foreigner who is looking for way to home. A bottle, which is another given, a little entertained me.
John Maclaren & Sons Ltd. was established in 1824. Bonnie & Clyde 40% is one of their producing whisky. It’s taste of full of life of aqua vitae while disappears at all when I was doing the last sip from a glass. I don’t taste anything in using whereas get alike of effect of medicine. It doesn’t tickle, but burns only in rinsing. Not for calling “bad” while it has no characterization. Taste becomes unpleasant in eventually. I did not experienced anything in aftertaste, but good stance was later. Bonnie & Clyde 40% can drink for only take out yourself from sobriety.
I wanted to write an article in the big book in another again by thinking that subject has necessity. I sawed off my draft two days later. I got that known heavy with doing. I rid from it and felt great with understanding that I wrote everything needful and these new facts willn’t add. I was deleting part by part after coming that it has no place for put to somewhere. I didn’t need that piece and other one. I erased everything in the end. Some time later I made obvious to myself that I mustn’t touch the big book. Editing from mistakes was correct. I returned to developing novella, which title I couldn’t imagine for big time. I did in this year by recalling part of name of what was in period when I was searching myself in writing as I saw years after that.
Today in the world would be correct to enter definitions "a political correct remake" and "a political correct adaptation" by seeing upcoming movies in months. These films are rip-offs in quality… That does not matter, the rightful was written.