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Cutty Sark Prohibition Overproof.

Lukaschik Gleb

A bottle of Cutty Sark with yellow label was in films many times. I never used it and I always had a drink sniff on that it’s budgeted in cost alcohol beverage is same in presentation. Whereas I saw worthy of tasting Cutty Sark Prohibition Overproof, which has no opposite wrong ingredients and with fifty degrees. I added it with other whisky from accidentally discovered one more place (you must believe me.) in that stinky town which I had case to visit. Likely, I was taking the last finest on dark territories which were devastated by being deprived of magnificent booze after invasion and that can accept only as charming. The other one bottle from same manufacturer which is that Scotch for almost seventy-five dollars and I will open them both on the nearest festivity.


I uncorked, poured, put my nose and I smelled high presence of alcohol and there wasn’t other else. It was a home-made moonshine from very poor materials. Some time needs for gone away of odor, but I already made a first sip.

I had identical two bits in taking inside. No diligent company will make such and it only can do people in basements of the third countries about whom was in my mind on that stage.

Aftertaste brought to sweet stance. Whisky isn’t harsh, but has some strong which once made me to exclaim, because I didn’t put food in mouth. Effect of degrees prolongs drunken state.

Experience of Cutty Sark Prohibition Overproof is procedure which you don’t like but if take it – you will feel great. Only for the last stage.


Sometimes genius can be in film’s title as with Wasabi. It’s sense discloses in one episode, which outside of storyline. Thankfully to it, I recognized about this food, which I started to like since I tasted. Wasabi with Jean Reno is divinity of comedian action from a time which became past as usual. And this on band Pussycat and their song Rio, which I listen occasionally.

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