Paris is always with me. I looked on living people in Paris who usually can be hurry and I thought on “do they see in what beauty they surrounded?” A couple of days ago I was mesmerized by architectural wonder in Hotel de Ville in which Robespierre found his political end and soon it was with his life. I was in hesitation on visiting of Musee de l’Armee. I was ready to stay in queue. I came after buying ticket to Rennes, but it was half an hour before of opening. I sit on stone at entrance and waited for some time. I was in thinking on esteem to Napoleon I, whose tomb still inside, as a lot of Columbians sympathize to Pablo Escobar who did food supply for them. As also I can’t accept to give to places a name of Francois Mitterrand with whom must be crossed streets of Philippe Petain and Maurice Papon in this case. I didn’t want to be in Hotel des Invalides.
I adore Paris in morning due to rare and even no soul can see on the street and this give saturation of this grandiose city. Of course, I love how it lives as I saw a blind negro plays a theme from “Love Story”, which title was recalled later, on a harp. Eventually, I don’t that this and mine town will give up in savagery. Not to explain that must be carefully and don’t make a touch. Mostly I saw wonderful people. Eventually, I must be more confident then these drivers who do speed up.
I was wide in time before I’ll take my evening plane. I decided to visit Musee de l’Armee despite on what I thought. I walking to there and I was in frustration by that today I will leave Paris. I finally saw it in fall. I arrived in hot days associated summer and overcrowded. I saw in the second day a Seine ferry, which was overfullfilled (pardon me this neologism.) of people was alike those boat with migrants. If mostly not a white color of skin, it was possible to assume on indiscreet coming of another bunch of illegal aliens and I would think “What’s absolutely wrong with you, Macron?” I’ve got funny from seeing people in bright and imposing clothes whereas I was sure on absence of personality in inside. Maybe there in weekends when in the next days I didn’t saw overcrowded places and often no any human except me did walking in that location. No creature in wacky fashionable clothes when you get to know that Giorgio Armani always prefers a black T-shirt. And I am too. Two times I saw Seine ferry in this last day. Three people at first ride and a little more on the next ship, which was going to move. I saw it in came tender fall. Grounds of Paris were covered in yellow leafs.
I passed security of Musee de l’Armee, which hadn’t curiosity to me due to I was with empty hands. Close coming and I don’t see a queue of people. I entered inside of ticket room where was one person who almost got his pass. Sweet Frenchwoman explained on expositions and gave me a map.
The museum requires many hours for precisely learning of everything. Probably it would with staying for a night, which I would spend. Architectural design of building is personal amazement of creativity. There is no ego as I saw it in Versailles. It’s impression here. That I had to drawing depicting one of wars of modern history among unbelievable collections of items of these times. The artist Neuville is incredible genius in how he meticulously painted battles.
I saw a lot of unique things as Napoleon’s clothes, Lafayette’s sable and piece of fallen Bastille. Although ego was about large tomb for Napoleon I what was associative with mausoleums of communistic leaders, which are totally humble in comparisons. Nevertheless, that place of burying has a design of artist.
I was in many museums when Musee de l’Armee is combination of world museum and has plentiful collection of variable kind weapons and suits of different eras. I found many discoveries of engineer’s magnificence as parachuting of little motorcycle and additional butt for rifle of The Great War. A conflict having a contemporary name World War I was in looking for me and I saw vast devotion.
I walked on the streets of Paris had drizzled and tender rain. Sadness of farewell with this city was still tremendous then. I returned for my stuff in hotel from where I moved to final visiting and from there I will intend to do come back to Poland. But I willn’t write about it.
No or dim lights and sleazy houses, but I lovely chain to them. Even there you understand on said many times that land was blessed by God.
I reached Venice and my hotel was nearby of Piazza San Marco. I could use a water taxi when I can’t reject strolling through night Venice. That charming scent of seawater. Neglect of map brought that I made a circle two times. I was thinking that can follow for Grand Canal. I met a French couple who helped to come to Rialto Bridge and we had conversation where their English left some words in mysteries as it was on occupation. From there I could easily come to hotel from where I was relocated to other similar hotel in which I put my bag on the ground.