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Lukaschik Gleb

J.P. Chenet Cabernet-Syrah.

I crossed milestone in half a little time ago, but I already far from there. Perhaps, after all, it will a book. When I’ll complete editing, I’ll make another checking of my fiction, which will faster and will in special places. Current process keeps to dynamic pace. I rejoice to happening. What I am understand after years with that – don’t write so long.

However, in front of me stays a bottle of J.P. Chenet Cabernet-Syrah, which ambiguously and suspiciously looks on me. I understand – this is love. It’s seducing shape causes a flaming volcanic desire, which erupts as Vesuvius after thousands years of calmness (though he woke up more than once after it’s famous one.). I thought that nothing could wake me up to feelings. But “no”, you did it. I came and you opened to me. My hands stroke a perfect chiseled shape. The right hand slides from the very bottom to the up. I grab for throat with stranglehold approach. I bring to my mouth and tasting what is inside there.

Well… I actually was gentle. I poured wine into glass. Just collected grapes on sniff. No viscosity on teeth. It’s delighted feeling in rinsing in the mouth without expecting danger in experience acid. I’m not liker of Syrah, but not here in ideal fusing with Cabernet. Aftertaste is nothing bothering. Excellent young French wine. It’s harvest was in 2021.

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