I never read anybody’s opinion in about committed crime. I have interest to facts and words of witnesses and people have liaisons to that. District Attorney of Orleans Parish Jim Garrison had no connections to assassination of John Kennedy. He became known in accusing of businessman Clay Shaw in participation of it. However, I was familiar with that trial and indications of Garrison have basis and ties as I saw in personal learning of involved people. District Attorney’s book On the Trail of the Assassins describing his investigation was in my attention for reading.
Jim Garrison slates Warren Commission for taking separate facts for building version of lone assassin verdict and rejection of details making wider disclosure. He accuses that there are witnesses whom didn’t interrogate properly by don’t specify on some details whereas I didn’t see basis in presented places as I didn’t find in that one person said something unusual in Garrison’s view. New Orleans attorney describes his version in same way by using needful parts. He behaves as lawyer to Lee Harvey Oswald. Garrison recites needful from conclusion of United States House Select Committee on Assassination as that shooters were more than one and doesn’t mention that investigation put Oswald as one of them. There were significant part of people heard shots from place known as grassy knoll, not majority as that word uses Garrison and puts only these testimonies. He absolutely evades Texas School Book Depository. I checked the book on name of General Edwin Walker and an author never speaks about him, because it would destroyed pure innocence of Lee Harvey Oswald who was patsy, but not saint.
Jim Garrison confuses by claiming then on that Oswald wasn’t faithful to Marxism and his learning of Russian was due to his work on intelligence. Garrison’s vision rejects that Lee Harvey Oswald expressed his like to communism and in testimonies of served with him people in Marine period only for corroboration of his statement. I only read on that Lee Harvey ardently showed his favors to Marxism as he had discussions on that with other soldier Kerry Wendell Thornley and got nickname Oswaldskovich for that from soldiers. His staying in commieland from 1959 to 1962 the attorney describes as “clandestine intelligence mission for the United States government”. Oswald’s behavior in his acts for stay when he was in Moscow wouldn’t be prudent for spy. He was always under KGB surveillance in time of living in commie Muscovy. Impossible for his stance to get any information or something to do for American intelligence. Attorney admits Lee Harvey’s wish to live in the Soviets made loud sensation and doesn’t write on Oswald’s suicide attempt, doesn’t quote his diary, court-martials in Marines as one of them ended on demotion in rank and mentions on honorable discharge when doesn’t speak that Oswald’s offered to share his military information to commies turned his discharge as undesirable, because everything collapses Garrison’s version.
Lee Harvey Oswald hadn’t significant information on his time in Marines, but it’s likely he wouldn’t get job with secrets after his behavior in commieland. Garrison is suspicion that a defector was hired by Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall, which in New Orleans attorney’s narrating is a company producing charts and maps for Pentagon and part of them for routes of U-2 missions as ones about Cuba around it Garrison makes part of his version on reasons of killing president. Actually, that company had deal with graphic-arts and Oswald was hired as a photoprint trainee about what the attorney doesn’t write with that Lee Harvey was fired one week later due to rude behavior, which had prone to fight and his reading of publication in Russian instead work what the last similar was on many jobs.
Oswald wasn’t a good shooter, but Garrison lows his ability on worse than usual Marine whereas Lee Harvey hit 212 points as sharpshooter what more than average at first time and 191 points as marksman was at second time.
Many times Garrison doesn’t give evidences to his statements. He writes oil corporation Schlumberger Corporation and CIA supported OAS to where adds CIA supplied weapon Schlumberger Corporation. I don’t doubt that Charles de Gaulle would shut down Schlumberger Corporation same as he finished with OAS. Such facts of involvement of oil company and American intelligence would expose. I couldn’t finish the book, because it is one of conspirology about Kennedy’s assassination. I began to read needful.
I always suspicious when recreating of conversation comes in detailed dialogs. You must have a phenomenal memory for writing each word. That always was in Garrison’s talking, which read as fiction and dialogs in detective film. I can put away this moment.
I don’t see point that war in Vietnam for resources on which exactly one District Attorney of New Orleans doesn’t describe, because there are no things in plethora quantity such as oil and I never heard that American and South Vietnamese soldiers worked on mines.
NB. It’s Garrison’s writing is separate from his version, but from where did he take information about ten thousands of village leaders and people suspected as VC members killed in Phoenix Program?
Jim Garrison puts “southwest oil magnates” in his conspiracy whereas Kennedy didn’t make and didn’t intend to execute anything what could hurt them. Reason of his assassination was, as claims Garrison, in president’s intention to halt Cold War. Truth in Kennedy wanted to move away from it. I’m sure, Caribbean crisis added in influence. But it just only was impossible to escape Cold War due to commies never aspire to peace. Kennedy offered to the Soviets to do collaborative fly to the Moon multiple times, but the last always declined. Crisis in Berlin made that Kennedy arrived and performed his speech in which he said “Ich bin ein Berliner” in June 26, 1963. That stance created meeting of tanks, which was until Kennedy and Hruschyov settled. I don’t see cause that somebody could lose profit in finishing of Cold War. Kennedy didn’t invade in Cuba after failure on Bay of Pigs. That didn’t execute his successor Lyndon Johnson. The author line on hybrid invasion isn’t credible. And Kennedy strongly pressured CIA in efforts to liquidate Castro.
“Unwitting babysitter” is incoherent word combination, which the attorney Garrison gave to George de Mohrenschildt, because a person who surveillance for somebody from direction of intelligence is appointed. New Orleans District Attorney considers that was de Mohrenschildt who was used by intelligence. Garrison doesn’t describe for what purpose, only that he felt that in personal conversation with de Mohrenschildt.
I became doubtful before reading by checking and finding presence of New York attorney Mark Lane and what he was doing. Jim Garrison writes on his involvement in investigation and he praises this person. Thankfully to Vasiliy Mitrohin was disclosed that Lane got money from KGB for creation of his conspirology book. Garrison writes and Lane personally told on his speaking with some members of jury of Clay Shaw trial and there were people said on believe in conspiracy, but they didn’t find solid basis in Garrison’s presentation of case. A fact and question in why Lane didn’t publish interviews with jury members. That makes to think on lying.
On the Trail of the Assassins made me suspicious about who was Jim Garrison. Nevertheless, there are indications in right directions by which I see clearer by who could be involved and why Jack Kennedy was killed.