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Review derails or pass on Cabrini.

Lukaschik Gleb

Mine concern on Cabrini had in revealing a bigger worst than I had in assumption. A little happiness that absence of opportunity to visit theater evade me though it wouldn’t be meticulously awful experience. Nevertheless, I was horrifying in reading of storyline. I believed in written, but I couldn’t but check on truth through different sources and eventually I launched a low quality version available on right this moment.


Story of Mother Cabrini in Alejandro Monteverde’s flick is fictionalized and overdramatized. It in contemporary cinema approach in telling of real events. A main heroine with a group of nuns arrive in New York and get initial trouble with housing. Cabrini finds a desperate solution through meeting a prostitute who agrees to give them a shelter in brothel. I don’t know precisely about real Francesca Cabrini and her accomplices in mission, but I ask myself “Would they insulted by that?” However, that was written for creation of many drivel lines as that this sex worker will be impressed by Cabrini and she will drop her job what will spark confrontation with a pimp, which will be shot by boy, but he will stay alive and will wish to kill her escaped employee by whom he will be stabbed for good. Well, actually nuns hadn’t trouble with housing. Archbishop of New York Michael Corrigan provided them on arrival. I clicked on moment where that personage if I correct, but anyway that priest was negatively presented by walking and eating spaghetti (si, spaghetti!) with full loath to appearance of group of nuns. I never saw a two-bit shot in Sound of Freedom. Of course, not for whole movie and I’m sure on opposite, but I always got non-innovative and stereotype staging in jumping through length.


It would a big writing of what actually was and, no hesitation, it will not about Cabrini only if I additionally wanted to see this at full. I’ll take just one more thing. Foremost, I do not like or, correctly to express, I despise a screenplay approach of the last decades, which teaching that must be conflict. Authors of the film reason that villain must be, which in Mayor of New York Jacob Gould who uses dirty methods as hiring people who burn hospital on which Cabrini got money from Italian Senate and uses police for arrest her. A multifaceted nonsense.

Cabrini visits mayor’s office in the end. A city’s head does a typical bad guy thing as coming and pouring bourbon in glass by showing his majesty in that. Why don’t he play golf? I love that thing in the movies. Look on this scene. He is going to make a shot, but before that he tells Cabrini a story about special kick which few people can do and understand. However, there was no mayor of New York with name Jacob Gould ever. There was Mayor Jacob Gould in Rochester, which on other end of state, who was in office for one year and left it fifty years before Cabrini and company arrived in the United States. Other factor, Jacob Gould was long time dead to that moment. Therefore and after everything, it’s not real tale on Francesca Cabrini.


If put aside a real story, the flick isn’t extraordinary in screenplay. A usual plot on struggle for goal and taking victory in the end. I pointed on Sound of Freedom’s script was obvious in how it will end before watching, but it narrated magical whereas I don’t get it with Cabrini.

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