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Sonny Boy by Al Pacino.

Lukaschik Gleb

No less than exciting can be to that Al Pacino wrote autobiography. A name and filmography of this man are answers in read it. If take aspect of modern climate on which most people don’t care, he doesn’t show far-left lunacy. Therefore, I could pay for his book without regret (though I did additional checking, obviously.).


Pacino demonstrates his artist. And with help of people, which he mentions in the end, book gives wonderful writing. Sometimes it reads as a good fiction and a wonderful poetry. Pacino is magnificent in making metaphors. A thespian gives pleasure by describing his acting approach and this thing itself. This human has a killing great sense of humor which almost was only in commenting photos. I laughed after for several minutes by reading his “original Tony speech”. You aspire to check every of many of presented discoveries. And he is a humble man.


You recognize on fascinating behind in his performed flicks and I was satisfied that he gave strokes for all interesting me films but, I believe, he could write more. Pacino shows his life as moving train. He speaks on movie and mentions person who usually gets standard characterization as “great” or any kind of “best ever”. The thespian leaves unexplained an episode on his friend Cliffy who brought dog Hans. Or I couldn’t understand about boy gang who took away his glove and that there was no way to return it as that could resolve with adults or call police. What does it mean “it will war”? Vaguely happens in this writing. Whereas toward the end, he slides from detailed writing by describing less on films from the middle of nineties and repeats in one page his assumption on a woman stayed with mother of his childhood friend. Writing stops to be a beautiful. Two last chapters are walking in different sides without reaching point, giving pointless metaphors and speaking a lot on his age and death what is characteristically but he does contradicting in thoughts and you feel old man here. He doesn’t know that happening with you age things are individual and I know people who are in more years than he and doesn’t experience what film and stage performer described. But sometimes he writes useful there as, of course, talks again on Charlie Laughton, a person which comes through the book and eventually brings to curiosity to know him individually on this monumental talent as that can get in his put poems.

Pacino confesses that he doesn’t learn on mistakes. I willn’t surprise that writing of the book can include, if not only, a reckless origin and it can point on his last love affair. The thespian didn’t rid from his childhood wrong. He tells on his first day in school to his grandfather who considers his act as “ratting”, a word which in mind and approach of only criminals because sir was supposed to know that it’s all right to report on wrong because that stops chaos. Though in relating of actor’s relative can point on his harsh background and probably troubles with laws in Sicily if make assumption. There a great actor makes a bad joke that his book is ratting on himself. Pacino still gets chill in thinking on “Boony”, doesn’t like to know who in the audience and he didn’t took away a prejudice to his father (who isn’t a terrible as can get this.). It is a man who didn’t sign checks by himself.


Al Pacino can ask Coppola why Richard S. Castellano didn’t resume his role of Clemenza in The Godfather Part II and it requires seconds for find out why Robert Duvall wasn’t in The Godfather III if he doesn’t contact with an actor. However, I received new unknown splendid facts on a third picture which makes to see it was a horrible disaster from a first script. It was an initial dead route. I never saw reasonable that Michael Corleone goes into redemption while a character reasonably must continue to go way in which The Godfather Part II ends. That would be an attractive to see. No, sir – it is not because public wants. And I can’t take this phrase “Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in”. Mario Puzo and Francis Ford Coppola were supposedly to learn subject and find out real examples. If a man such as a mafia boss would wish to step out from criminal, he would do without difficulties. His rivals would welcome that. Anyway, The Godfather 3 was a commercial film and these Oscar nominations can be only for reputable names what is foremost and artistic previous parts.


Even despite the book doesn’t leave with feel of reading of great told autobiography, but I got a wonderful chunk on the thespian and cinema from all angles in Sonny Boy.

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