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Lukaschik Gleb

That’s Polish English.

I always spend leftover coins when I’m leaving a country as I wanted to do with eurocents, but eighty of them kept in my pocket, because I would like to return soon.

I could use watertaxi what would be beautiful and interesting, but I did walking through the streets of Venice and it was out of ordinary to stop at traffic light what I didn’t do. Venice is magic town, but would am I happy to have summer in November? I checked temperature in New York and Montana and got what I wanted. Anyway, it was deeply sad to farewell. There still not come day when I could allow to stay how long I am want and move to where I wish.

I flew from lightly summer Italy to highly cold autumn Poland. To a little, as I revealed, town Poznan. I found enticing places for visiting. What I understand about this country – that isn’t place for work for me. I don’t get a soulmate feeling. Now I have energy and power to finish the last article of my big book and editing of screenplay and novella. I just need a marketing campaign and find way for promotion for that that I deserve for long. However, not about it.

I never experienced with Polish and his English. I had vice versa in coming for registration into hotel where a receptionist couldn’t my purpose until lied her head for listening. Then I needed to pay of their zloty, which I hadn’t much and didn’t exchange from other having currencies. I should to pay now. I asked about “kantor”, their place where can get a currency. I walked to there, found in little mall, exchanged dollars and returned for see other receptionist who also, like her colleague, didn’t accept my English and, of course, thought I have troubles whereas both hadn’t a practice and, moreover, use from learnt in school or whatever else. Studying of English is that how correct to make sentences in one way when I started to read, I saw that I can make sentences in any way. Such difficult form of sentences, which are studying, aren’t use in practice. I read variable literature and I saw sentences in forms, which I wouldn’t dare before. I understood that I must relax.

Breakfast will “past six hours” were words of the second receptionist. I asked her again, but heard same. That woman also offered help with counting zloty. Great, in that damned chauvinism people are thinking that I don’t understand numbers. And that’s hotel gave me a key with a handwritten number, which a first mark was identical to “lamba”, but it was Arabian figure “one” after I asked them again. I see that I deal with people are from own pathological world.

A conversation with a Californian woman in Le Procope was without troubles in both sides. I understood her and she hadn’t troubles in understand with me and I never saw a brink in her that she thinks that I don’t know English language.

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