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The Irresistible Mad Craving for Freedom. Chapter VIII: “Preparing to the future.”

Lukaschik Gleb

I needed vacation, which could be emigration and nothing else because I cut dinner for my cat Knopka Sophie and raked it by knife to a trash can. Fortunately, she didn’t retort and her food almost all lied on surface of a big plastic bottle. I put a pig kidney in her dish and the cat instantly ate it. She is a good girl, but somewhere a week before that happened other. I was cooking a patty for her, because my four-legged love didn’t wish to eat a raw mincemeat then. I turned back and I saw she took my mutton from a plate and was going to feast. I looked in time. Sometimes the cat forgets that such things can end bad for her. I do not like to punish animals and feel regretful myself even though animal’s behavior wasn’t decent. However, Knopka Sophie knew what I can do and said her second name loud was convincing but I made a little punishment in one slap to her buttocks for taking.

Once long time ago, she ate roe’s heart from my dish and I was absolutely unhappy that the cat deprived me a supper and meat substitute wasn’t better.

Another was few years ago. I think, it was a roe which I left with pasta on the street and Knopka was nearby. I forgot, it is not the best thing to do. I did it, because wasn’t going to absent long. I returned and saw Knopka Sophie prefers pasta over meat. I knew in that day what she likes else.

Something similar was with my dear black cat Demi lied to me by jumping on tabletop in search of food (because she once ate chicken’s skins which were cooked for her actually.) and I came to a kitchen, she leaped down and behaved that nothing unusual was before. Many years ago, I revealed that Demi has interest to Pringles (it was a big amount time ago because I didn’t take chips for many long years.).

After all, I always cut food for Sophie despite she isn’t requiring that, because I had two times that I put kidney on defrost in sink and later I saw only spot on floor.


I couldn’t hide from humidity in basement in which I drank Ballantine’s. It doesn’t gone in any weather except coming of cold months. I never could adapt to this as I did to thirty degrees of Tuscan heat. One and half glasses of Scottish whisky mild me in Sunday. Cashew and pistachio in snacks. And I had a July the Fourth firework in that combination. Before that I ate three woodcocks. Impossible for be a delightful meal. More bones than meat. It was June the Second. Sunday. One hundredth anniversary of enacting of act on permitting Indians to get status of citizen in the United States as I recalled later. A couple days before I turned down the last page of Dee Brown’s book Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee. It took so big time with reading. Maybe, I began it somewhere in the last decade of February, in exact date when Representative of Republican Party Homer P. Snyder introduced Indian Citizen Act (this two-century and almost half belated thing was supposed to come with founding of America where any Indian who desired to live on this territory could become a citizen.). Vigor to reading returned. In one day, I passed quantity of pages equally to three days with this book. I was using method taught by Evgeniy who was my Mr. Keating. I constantly forget it. Even in process of reading. That’s read under stroke. You read faster and remember more by that. It works ideally with pen or alike, but I’m not in comfort with holding something else here.


Flies. They identical to communists. Filthy buzz and intrude in your life. Cold north has no flies. I never could sleep well in that climate. It always returns me to Massachusetts where I had divine dreams. I walked out before alarm clock and waited when it will sound. When it gave first rang, I turned off and stood on my feet as robot. I had same grandiose when I once slept four hours. It was the last night in Brewster. 

I want in Montana, but I willn’t start with it. I looked and thought to where arrive in searching of places of commonsense in America while in a state through Atlantic Ocean I found out Hacker T Dog is against democracy. He reposted on X an edited his famous video “We’re just simple men” in which put Trump saying that he is innocent. Even children show of BBC follows party’s line. I scrolled Dog’s page on X. That four-legged guy uses popularity of his trademark now clip. How deeply cheap, buddy! I liked you. I don’t visit him anymore. And I don’t want to enter in X itself, which permitted any adult content. I used this social network for getting of needful or for precisely quoting. Now I can’t do, because I get disgust after which you would wish not only check shower, but call priest for make rite on you. Fortunately, I haven’t necessity to X now for anything.


I told once that I was in Spain and I didn’t like it. Spanish cuisine isn’t finest and especially after French. Paella. Just thrown and combined of what you had of sea animals. Search for “grace” is be a comedian. My guess of origin was right. It came from poverty. The workers picked up what they had and mixed.

No matter about region but whole cuisine of Spain and Catalonia as well is plain. I find inventiveness in one simplicity – a leek fried on grill. An approach makes it’s curious. But I don’t want to visit for this, because I have no other reasons with that state, which even doesn’t produce wonderful wines. It’s a friendly country where me was caressing to hear from everybody “Hola!” and respond them. If you don’t do, they can upset. And I deeply regret I didn’t do it to a driver of a bus which rode to Toledo.


Cinque Terre was in list for visit. After traveling Italy a lot, I do not see attractiveness to it. Multicolored houses on cliffs don’t fascinate me.


The next after Ballantine’s was a day of The Whistler Double Oaked, which I didn’t expect. It was same when you don’t plan to fall in love. Drinking delivers me from darkness. I begin to see surrounding in light colors in that state. I do not find a sense to stay more. I am a spy whom Agency forgot. Getting access to queue in Poland became Green Card Lottery, because it was also about future, but it occurs every Friday instead year. A new changes happened there. I do not need to enter codes. Sit and wait every Thursday and Friday though a link can appear in other days of week. However, I returned to thinking about applying in available US embassies.


I do not like when I watch old film and see a modern logo of company, which owns this flick now. Not your business to involve and correct there. I want to see old movie with getting of whole experience of how it was presented than.

Old cinema became more beautiful and tantalizing in the last years. I usually can’t bear commie films for reasonable their surrealism. But, certainly, there can discover excellent as A Tale about the Lost Time and Old Man Hottabych which are fairytales and has minimized of fiction reality as well as Incorrigible Liar, which I rewatched not so long time ago. Where are these intelligent and polite people in rotten actuality? But I love coziness of these flicks and, of course, their intricate, incredible and gripping storylines.


What I know about my future is that it will with a ginger cat. And I would take Porridge from Texas about whom I read in news. Deeply poor soul. A car accident deprived him a leg and made facial change, but he stayed full of live.

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