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The Irresistible Mad Craving for Freedom. Chapter X: “The return which was unnoticeable.”

Lukaschik Gleb

The Whistler was ended in Friday. I wanted to catch a scent rose in vase – it didn’t work. I sniffed roses in garden and each of them gave effect. That’s the best tip for alcohol lovers. Saturday had Calle Merlot Veronese and Sunday was for Henkell Trocken in two hundred milliliters volume. I stepped away in drinking volumes a little bit.


I moved to town in that Saturday. It was this rare terrible circumstance when I had business there and it asked my involvement. I arrived and I had, as always, misunderstanding on how possible to live in this ugliness. I do not think that any booze could fix it’s crooked mirror image. It was a fair came in town solely contained freaks and clowns who have no sense of humor. I had alongside other on mind is that, gladly, I don’t inhabit and became fortunate to come to this I don’t deal in any way with society. I made able to live outside of them. I have one savings which enough for a big time. But I get allowance for soul sufferings and involved with one apartment with which just activated and my current relations to it is only receiving of additional profit. I cut my participation from everything and made that I do not need to meet with anybody.

Money. This thing on dark territories is same non-essential as on inhabited island. Nothing changed since visit of Lee Harvey Oswald who wrote in diary about nowhere to spend his receiving finances. And I can’t do after invasion. But without that I would had stability with savings.


I look on booze as on pokemons. I want to catch ‘em all. But, honestly, not all. I had eye on two bottles and I don’t understand how I didn’t notice few details, which I detected in the second visit. Overcoloranted Skallywag from sherry barrels what is a double terrible or unnaturally too bright Rock Island.

I could boldly return to buying of good-priced alcohol, but there is no of it. I would make chronological continuation and acquire, for example, Bushmills 16 Years. But no Bushmills and I’m sad. I visited three places, which were of those had of pleasance to enter. I took the very last what was interesting. The third venue had seducing Scotch for almost seventy-five dollars and nothing other was alike in powerful on stalls. I took that single choice. It was unofficial come back to drinking of expensive booze.


However, it, probably, began when I was in Poland last time. Anyway, instead using, I fulfilled myself in study on forty-degree beverages and was writing down liked in drink list. I recognized a thing which can consider as obvious. Do not trust to new established scotch and bourbon. They want to enter in market by do nontraditional, what means commercial, which is adding of unnatural flavors to drink.


I intend to keep income in plus. I could order alcohol from the West, but I’m stupid and dare to hope that Thanksgiving will be celebrated in more favorable place. I was struggling with wish to apply on available US embassy in the thirteen week. It didn’t realize by being in devotion of writing of the big book which worked as excuse.


I have a list of wishing books, but own projects which I want to complete foremost, slow reading lately and goal to save a big income are why I don’t realize whole buying. I ordered two non-fictions, which as with previous receiving was done for purposes.


I don’t have projects on fiction on paper after I will finish with novella. However, before I began with it, I had conceptions for two movie screenplays, which became to get more in shape in that moment. I felt that I must do them. But there are need things for realization.

I was reluctant about first one script, which is Noir due to I had pieces of potential story. Not so far, I watched documentary Destination Hitchcock: The Making of “North by Northwest” and I increased in desire to this writing. More storyline’s details came in my mind. It seems, I see a good story. That style and way of filming from Hitchcock’s flick, which pieces were shown, pushed to writing own screenplay. The documentary itself is spectacular. I was getting astonishment by how a legendary movie was made and behind secrets. I was excited by listening and watching on people who were involved in production and lead actress enchanting Eva Marie Saint is also was startling as host and narrator.

The second script was more before. I want to implement story taking in The Great War to which I have charm in tie to period itself. I have a title, which came by that I installed The Movies and decided to make a film about that conflict. I wrote first what came on my mind for flick’s name. Later I saw, I like this title and I put it for potential screenplay. It became in together with location and scenes on which take action of that film in a game. That pattern turned into one sequence for my script. I additionally for my The Great War storyline have a name for protagonist and he is a Frenchman. I need to learn language if I want to be authentic for this role.


I have one work, which is draft requiring processing and two more stories on mind. I definitely can’t implement in Hollywood due to I potentially will be cancelled many times in case I will be wider known. I would never rely on them. Additionally, they will not like that I will want a total control on every stage. My flick projects are possible only independent.

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