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  • Lukaschik Gleb

The Pigeon Tunnel

Errol Morris is director of documentary The Fog of War, which wonderful by that it’s narration was accented only on Robert McNamara telling his story and sometimes photos and footage appear. Ideal, a camera takes look on a man who speaks. David Cornwell who wrote under name John Le Carre is a person could magnetize by his speaking and it could be a grandiose movie, but Morris wanted to experiment and that was wrong direction.

Filmmaker destructs in his aspiration be innovative by putting incorrect angles of camera, which either far from writer or wrongly taking person not at all. He deprives to sense feeling which interviewee expresses. Director can radically cut reaction.

Morris in recreation of scenes can overdramatized and it always with blank acting. He does simple mistake in presenting as real things which were in John Le Carre’s imaginations. Director deprives life by what hadn’t exigency his obvious CGI pigeons in shooting sequence, which he will show again and again. And that room filled of eggs has doesn’t make allegory. Footage materials and photos are only what makes watching reasonable, because listening is one what useful in documentary, but the last is “could be”.

Narrating is jumping in time shatters of stories in which happens you don’t understand on what the writer speaks about. It willn’t confuse people who familiar with John Le Carre’s stories. Sudden his father, who wasn’t presented as unpleasant man, discloses as such person. An author says on working in MI5 and MI6 and from there movie come on his speaking what inspired him on writing of his third novel The Spy Who Came in from the Cold.

Sometimes author’s talks have no pillar. John Le Carre dominantly isn’t interesting. I wanted to finish after nineteen minutes. I clicked in forward and listened on Kim Philby, which had curious. I returned back in length. Interest began seven minutes later, but eventually I saw that documentary hasn’t informative else. His long reasoning on Kim Philby is one for curiosity. He says briefly on written books by what inspired in some places. I believe, John Le Carre could say more if opposite person knew what and how about asking questions. It’s possible that obviously having unused footage can contain informative.

I think, John Le Carre said nonsense that UK government allowed Philby to escape. How they could if intelligence didn’t know his route until traitor emerged in commieland? Writer says that first marriage on communist exposes what isn’t thing. It doesn’t make a person as adept of ideology. Moreover, author’s Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy has love relationship between agents of opposite intelligences and British spy doesn’t betray own country. Le Carre also contradicts by saying that UK intelligence didn’t know on Philby’s double game. However, John Le Carre wrote many incredible books. Documentary takes title from writer’s autobiography book, which are collection of stories. I have it, but I still didn’t read. I’m firmly sure, it will far better than watching this documentary has almost nothing tying with original source.

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